These docs are for an outdated version of Phaser
The documentation on this page is for Phaser 2.3.0. The latest release is 2.6.2.
Phaser 2.3.0
"Via": If a class has an entry in the via column it means you can quickly access it through a local reference.
I.e. you can control the camera via
from any state, or
if game has been globally defined.
Class | Via | Description |
Game | game |
Manages booting, creating subsystems and running the logic and render loop. |
World | world |
The Game World in which all Game Objects live. |
Camera | camera |
The Camera is your view into the Game World. |
Stage | stage |
The Stage is the root display object. |
Game States
Class | Via | Description |
StateManager | state |
Creates, manages and swaps your Game States. |
State | A base Game State object you can extend. |
Class | Via | Description |
Cache | cache |
The Cache is where all loaded assets are stored and retrieved from. |
Loader | load |
Loads all external asset types (images, audio, json, xml, txt) and adds them to the Cache. Automatically invoked by a States preload method. |
LoaderParser | A Static Class used by the Loader to handle parsing of complex asset types. |
Game Scaling
Class | Via | Description |
ScaleManager | scale |
Manages the sizing and scaling of your game across devices. |
FlexGrid | scale.grid |
A responsive layout grid (still in testing) |
FlexLayer | A responsive grid layer (still in testing) |
Class | Description |
Signal | Signals are Phasers internal Event system. |
SignalBinding | Manages which callbacks are bound to a Signal. |
Class | Via | Description |
PluginManager | plugins |
Installs, updates and destroys Plugins. |
Plugin | A base Plugin object you can extend. |
Game Objects
Class | Via | Description |
GameObjectFactory | add |
A helper class that can create any of the Phaser Game Objects and adds them to the Game World. |
GameObjectCreator | make |
A helper class that can creates and returns any Phaser Game Object. |
Group | Groups can contain multiple Game Objects and have the ability to search, sort, call, update and filter them. | |
InputHandler | object.input |
If a Game Object is enabled for input this class controls all input related events, including clicks and drag. |
Events | |
All of the Game Object level events. |
Class | Description |
Sprite | A Game Object with a texture, capable of running animation, input events and physics. |
Image | A lighter Game Object with a texture and input, but no physics or animation handlers. |
TileSprite | A Game Object with a repeating texture that can be scrolled and scaled. |
Button | An Image Game Object with helper methods and events to turn it into a UI Button. |
SpriteBatch | A custom Sprite Batch. Can render multiple Sprites significantly faster if they share the same texture. |
Rope | A jointed Game Object with a strip-based texture. |
Class | Description |
Graphics | Allows you to draw primitive shapes (lines, rects, circles), setting color, stroke and fills. |
BitmapData | Provides a powerful interface to a blank Canvas object. Can be used as a Sprite texture. |
RenderTexture | A special kind of texture you can draw Sprites to extremely quickly. |
Class | Description |
Text | Displays text using system fonts or Web Fonts, with optional fills, shadows and strokes. |
BitmapText | A texture based text object that uses a Bitmap Font file. |
RetroFont | Similar to a BitmapText object but uses a classic sprite sheet. Each character is a fixed-width. |
Class | Via | Description |
AnimationManager | sprite.animation |
Adds, plays and updates animations on Sprite Game Objects. |
Animation | The base Animation object that the Animation Manager creates. | |
AnimationParser | Used internally by the Phaser Loader to parse animation data from external files. | |
FrameData | A collection of Frame objects that comprise an animation. | |
Frame | A single Frame of an Animation. Stored inside of a FrameData object. |
Class | Description |
Circle | A Circle object consisting of a position and diameter. |
Ellipse | An Ellipse object consisting of a position, width and height. |
Line | A Line object consisting of two points at the start and end of the Line. |
Point | A Point object consisting of an x and y position. |
Polygon | A Polygon object consisting of a series of Points. |
Rectangle | A Rectangle object consisting of an x, y, width and height. |
Class | Via | Description |
Time | time |
The core internal clock on which all Phaser time related operations rely. |
Timer | time.create |
A custom Timer that contains one or more TimerEvents. Can be used either once or be set to repeat. |
TimerEvent | time.add |
A single time related event object. Belongs to a Phaser.Timer. |
Class | Description |
Tilemap | A Tilemap consists of one or more TilemapLayers and associated tile data. Contains methods for tile data manipulation and TilemapLayer generation. |
TilemapLayer | A single layer within a Tilemap. Extends from Phaser.Sprite and is responsible for rendering itself. |
Tileset | An object containing a texture and data used for rendering tiles by a TilemapLayer. |
Tile | A single Tile object with related properties. One of these exists for every tile in a map. |
TilemapParser | A Static class used to parse externally loaded map data. Typically called directly by Phaser.Loader. |
Class | Via | Description |
Math | math |
Contains lots of math related helper methods including fuzzy logic and interpolation. |
QuadTree | A stand-alone QuadTree implementation. Used by Arcade Physics but can also be used directly. | |
RandomDataGenerator | rnd |
A seedable repeatable random data generator. |
Class | Via | Description |
Net | net |
Browser URL and query string related methods. |
Class | Via | Description |
Particles | particles |
The Phaser Particle Manager. Called during the game loop and updates any associated Particle Emitters. |
Emitter | An Arcade Physics based Particle Emitter. Created via add.emitter in the GameObjectFactory. |
Particle | A single Particle object as emitted by the Emitter. Extends Phaser.Sprite. |
Class | Via | Description |
Physics | physics |
The core Physics Manager. Provides access to all of the physics sub-systems. |
Arcade Physics
Class | Via | Description |
Arcade | physics.arcade |
The Arcade Physics handler. Contains collision, overlap and movement related methods. |
Body | sprite.body |
An Arcade Physics Body. Contains velocity, acceleration, drag and other related properties. |
Ninja Physics
Ninja Physics is not bundled in Phaser by default. Please see the README custom build details section.
Class | Via | Description |
Ninja | |
The Ninja Physics handler. Contains collision, overlap and movement related methods. |
Body | sprite.body |
A Ninja Physics Body. Contains velocity, acceleration, drag and other related properties. |
AABB | An AABB Ninja Physics Body type. | |
Circle | A Circle Ninja Physics Body type. | |
Tile | A Tile Ninja Physics Body type. |
P2 Physics
Class | Via | Description |
P2 | phyiscs.p2 |
The P2 Physics World. Contains collision, overlap and movement related methods. |
Body | sprite.body |
A P2 Physics Body. Contains velocity, acceleration, drag and other related properties. |
BodyDebug | A Debug specific version of a P2 Body object. Renders out its shape for visual debugging. | |
Material | A P2 Material used for world responses, such as friction and restitution. | |
ContactMaterial | A P2 Contact Material used for contact responses. | |
CollisionGroup | A P2 Collision Group. | |
FixtureList | The P2 Fixture List handler. | |
Constraints: | Distance Constraint, GearConstraint, LockConstraint, PrismaticConstraint, RevoluteConstraint | |
PointProxy | Responsible for proxing Phaser Game World to P2 Physics values. | |
InversePointProxy | Responsible for proxing Phaser Game World to inversed P2 Physics values. | |
Spring | A P2 Spring object. | |
RotationalSpring | A P2 Rotational Spring object. |
Class | Via | Description |
Input | input |
The Input Manager. Responsible for handling all Input sub-systems. Also looks after Input enabled Game Objects. |
Pointer | input.pointer |
Pointers encapsulate all mouse or touch related input, regardless of how it was generated. On multi-touch systems more than one Pointer can be active at any one time. In Input related events a reference to the corresponding Pointer is passed. |
Keyboard | input.keyboard |
The Keyboard input handler. Listens for device related events. Can also create Key objects. |
Key | A Key object is responsible for listening to a specific Key. Created by the Keyboard class. | |
Mouse | input.mouse |
A Mouse event handler. Listens for device related events and passes them on to the active Pointer. |
MSPointer | input.mspointer |
An MSPointer event handler. Listens for device related events and passes them on to the active Pointer. |
Touch | input.touch |
A Touch event handler. Listens for device related events and passes them on to the active Pointer. |
Class | Via | Description |
Gamepad | input.gamepad |
The Gamepad Manager looks after all connected Gamepads to the device. Creates SinglePad instances. |
SinglePad | input.gamepad.pad<1,4> |
Represents a single connected gamepad. |
GamepadButton | Represents a button on a SinglePad instance. |
Class | Via | Description |
TweenManager | tweens |
The Tween Manager creates, updates and destroys all active tweens. |
Tween | A Tween object. Created via game.add.tween . Consists of TweenData objects that represent the tween and any child tweens. |
TweenData | A TweenData object contains all the information related to a tween. Created by and belongs to a Phaser.Tween object. | |
Easing | A static class containing all of the easing functions available to Tweens. |
Class | Via | Description |
SoundManager | sound |
The Sound Manager controls all Sound objects and can play, loop, fade and stop Sounds. |
Sound | A Sound object. Can be played, paused and stopped directly, and have its volume adjusted. | |
AudioSprite | An Audio Sprite is a Sound object with related marker data representing sections of the audio. |
Class | Via | Description |
Canvas | A static class containing Canvas creation and manipulation methods. Such as adding to the dom, setting touch actions, smoothing and image rendering. | |
Device | game.device |
The Device class checks system capabilities and settings on boot and stores them for later access. |
DOM | A static class containing DOM specific methods including offset handling, viewport calibration and bounds checks. | |
RequestAnimationFrame | game.raf |
Abstracts away the use of RAF or setTimeOut for the core game update loop. |
Class | Via | Description |
ArraySet | ArraySet is a Set data structure (items must be unique within the set) that also maintains order. | |
ArrayUtils | Array specific methods such as getRandomItem, shuffle, transposeMatrix, rotate and numberArray. | |
Color | Phaser.Color is a set of static methods that assist in color manipulation and conversion. | |
Debug | game.debug |
A collection of methods for displaying debug information about game objects. |
LinkedList | A basic Linked List data structure. | |
Utils | Utility methods for Object and String inspection and modification. Including getProperty, pad, isPlainObject, extend and mixin. |