Phaser Editor

Phaser Editor enables you to visually create Phaser games. Instead of entering numbers in your code to position Game Objects, you can drag and drop them into place, tweak their animations, adjust their physics bodies, enable special effects and more. It's quicker and faster for both artists and developers alike and publishes to pure Phaser code.

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ufoPhaser Features

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WebGL & Canvas

Phaser uses both a Canvas and WebGL renderer internally and can automatically swap between them based on browser support. This allows for lightning fast rendering across Desktop and Mobile.


We've made the loading of assets as simple as one line of code. Images, Sounds, Sprite Sheets, Tilemaps, JSON data, XML - all parsed and handled automatically, ready for use in game and stored in a global Cache for Game Objects to share.


Phaser ships with support for 3 physics systems: Arcade Physics, an extremely light-weight AABB library perfect for low-powered devices. Impact Physics for advanced tile support and Matter.js - a full-body system with springs, constraints and polygon support.


Sprites are the life-blood of your game. Position them, tween them, rotate them, scale them, animate them, collide them, paint them onto custom textures and so much more!

Sprites also have full Input support: click them, touch them, drag them around, snap them - even pixel perfect click detection if needed.


Group bundles of Sprites together for easy pooling and recycling, avoiding constant object creation. Groups can also be collided: for example a "Bullets" group checking for collision against the "Aliens" group, with a custom collision callback to handle the outcome.


Phaser supports classic Sprite Sheets with a fixed frame size as well as several common texture atlas formats including Texture Packer, Starling and Unity YAML. All of these can be used to easily create animations.


A particle system is built-in, which allows you to create fun particle effects easily. Create explosions or constant streams for effects like rain or fire. Or attach the Emitter to a Sprite for a jet trail.


Phaser has advanced multi-camera support. Easily create extra cameras then position and scale them anywhere on screen. Cameras can be scrolled and also have special effects like shake, flash and fade. Pan around and follow Sprites with ease.


Talk to a Phaser Pointer and it doesn't matter if the input came from a touch-screen or mouse, it can even change mid-game without dropping a beat. Touch, Mouse, Keyboard, Gamepad and lots of useful functions allow you to craft whatever input system you need.


Phaser supports both Web Audio and legacy HTML Audio. It automatically handles mobile device locking, easy Audio Sprite creation, looping, streaming, volume, playback rates and detuning. We know how much of a pain dealing with audio on mobile is, so we did our best to resolve that!


Phaser can load, render and collide with a tilemap with just a couple of lines of code. We support CSV and Tiled map data formats with multiple tile layers. There are lots of powerful tile manipulation functions: swap tiles, replace them, delete them, add them and update the map in realtime.

Device Scaling

Phaser 2 has a built-in Scale Manager which allows you to scale your game to fit any size screen. Control aspect ratios, minimum and maximum scales and full-screen support (coming soon to Phaser 3)

Plugin system

We are trying hard to keep the core of Phaser limited to only essential classes, so we built a smart Plugin system to handle everything else. Create your own plugins easily and share them with the community.

Mobile Browser

Phaser was built specifically for Mobile web browsers. Of course it works blazingly fast on Desktop too, but unlike lots of frameworks mobile was our main focus. If it doesn't perform well on mobile then we don't add it into the Core.

Developer Support

We use Phaser every day on our many client projects. As a result it's constantly evolving and improving and we jump on bugs and pull requests quickly. This is a living, breathing framework maintained by a commercial company with custom feature development and support packages available. We live and breathe HTML5 games.

Web First

Phaser exists within the ecosystem of the web browser. It was built to allow you to create web based games and that is where it will always focus. It's a rapidly changing landscape and we're staying on-top of these changes to ensure new browser APIs are supported quickly.

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Games made with Phaser

Thousands of games are made with Phaser. Here are some recent favorites: