These archived docs are for Phaser 2.2.2 Phaser 3 docs can be found on
Phaser CE docs can be found on the Phaser CE Documentation site.


Phaser. Graphics

new Graphics(game, x, y)

Creates a new Graphics object.

Name Type Description
game Phaser.Game

Current game instance.

x number

X position of the new graphics object.

y number

Y position of the new graphics object.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 17


Public Properties

alpha : number

The opacity of the object.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 65

angle : number

Indicates the rotation of the Graphics, in degrees, from its original orientation. Values from 0 to 180 represent clockwise rotation; values from 0 to -180 represent counterclockwise rotation. Values outside this range are added to or subtracted from 360 to obtain a value within the range. For example, the statement player.angle = 450 is the same as player.angle = 90. If you wish to work in radians instead of degrees use the property Sprite.rotation instead. Gets or sets the angle of rotation in degrees.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 321

blendMode : number

The blend mode to be applied to the graphic shape. Apply a value of PIXI.blendModes.NORMAL to reset the blend mode.

Inherited From
Default Value
  • PIXI.blendModes.NORMAL;
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 61

boundsPadding : number

The bounds' padding used for bounds calculation.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 96

buttonMode : boolean

This is used to indicate if the displayObject should display a mouse hand cursor on rollover

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 90

cameraOffset : Phaser.Point

If this object is fixedToCamera then this stores the x/y offset that its drawn at, from the top-left of the camera view.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 58

[readonly] children : Array.<DisplayObject>

[read-only] The array of children of this container.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 17

destroyPhase : boolean

True if this object is currently being destroyed.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 372

exists : boolean

If exists = false then the Text isn't updated by the core game loop.

Default Value
  • true
Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 31

fillAlpha : number

The alpha value used when filling the Graphics object.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 18

filterArea : PIXI.Rectangle

The area the filter is applied to like the hitArea this is used as more of an optimisation rather than figuring out the dimensions of the displayObject each frame you can set this rectangle

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 180

filters : Array.<Filter>

Sets the filters for the displayObject. IMPORTANT: This is a webGL only feature and will be ignored by the canvas renderer. To remove filters simply set this property to 'null'

  • Array.<Filter>
Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 400

fixedToCamera : boolean

An Graphics that is fixed to the camera uses its x/y coordinates as offsets from the top left of the camera. These are stored in Graphics.cameraOffset. Note that the cameraOffset values are in addition to any parent in the display list. So if this Graphics was in a Group that has x: 200, then this will be added to the cameraOffset.x Set to true to fix this Graphics to the Camera at its current world coordinates.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 341

game : Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running Game.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 25

height : number

The height of the displayObjectContainer, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 63

hitArea : PIXI.Rectangle | PIXI.Circle | PIXI.Ellipse | PIXI.Polygon

This is the defined area that will pick up mouse / touch events. It is null by default. Setting it is a neat way of optimising the hitTest function that the interactionManager will use (as it will not need to hit test all the children)

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 81

isMask : boolean

Whether this shape is being used as a mask.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 88

lineColor : string

The color of any lines drawn.

Inherited From
Default Value
  • 0
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 34

lineWidth : number

The width (thickness) of any lines drawn.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 26

mask : PIXI.Graphics

Sets a mask for the displayObject. A mask is an object that limits the visibility of an object to the shape of the mask applied to it. In PIXI a regular mask must be a PIXI.Graphics object. This allows for much faster masking in canvas as it utilises shape clipping. To remove a mask, set this property to null.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 380

name : string

The user defined name given to this object.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 37

[readonly] parent : PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer

[read-only] The display object container that contains this display object.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 106

pivot : PIXI.Point

The pivot point of the displayObject that it rotates around

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 49

position : PIXI.Point

The coordinate of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 14

renderable : boolean

Can this object be rendered

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 98

rotation : number

The rotation of the object in radians.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 57

scale : PIXI.Point

The scale factor of the object.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 22

[readonly] stage : PIXI.Stage

[read-only] The stage the display object is connected to, or undefined if it is not connected to the stage.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 115

tint : number

The tint applied to the graphic shape. This is a hex value. Apply a value of 0xFFFFFF to reset the tint.

Inherited From
Default Value
  • 0xFFFFFF
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 52

transformCallback : Function

The transform callback is an optional callback that if set will be called at the end of the updateTransform method and sent two parameters: This Display Objects worldTransform matrix and its parents transform matrix. Both are PIXI.Matrix object types. The matrix are passed by reference and can be modified directly without needing to return them. This ability allows you to check any of the matrix values and perform actions such as clamping scale or limiting rotation, regardless of the parent transforms.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 30

transformCallbackContext : Object

The context under which the transformCallback is invoked.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 41

type : number

The const type of this object.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 43

visible : boolean

The visibility of the object.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 73

width : number

The width of the displayObjectContainer, setting this will actually modify the scale to achieve the value set

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 35

world : Phaser.Point

The world coordinates of this Sprite. This differs from the x/y coordinates which are relative to the Sprites container.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 53

[readonly] worldAlpha : number

[read-only] The multiplied alpha of the displayObject

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 124

worldVisible : boolean

[read-only] Indicates if the sprite is globally visible.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 359

x : number

The position of the displayObject on the x axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 761

y : number

The position of the displayObject on the y axis relative to the local coordinates of the parent.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 776

z : number

The z-depth value of this object within its Group (remember the World is a Group as well). No two objects in a Group can have the same z value.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 48

Public Methods

addChild(child) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Adds a child to the container.

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The DisplayObject to add to the container


The child that was added.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 90

addChildAt(child, index) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Adds a child to the container at a specified index. If the index is out of bounds an error will be thrown

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The child to add

index Number

The index to place the child in


The child that was added.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 102

arc(cx, cy, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise) → {PIXI.Graphics}

The arc method creates an arc/curve (used to create circles, or parts of circles).

Name Type Description
cx Number

The x-coordinate of the center of the circle

cy Number

The y-coordinate of the center of the circle

radius Number

The radius of the circle

startAngle Number

The starting angle, in radians (0 is at the 3 o'clock position of the arc's circle)

endAngle Number

The ending angle, in radians

anticlockwise Boolean

Optional. Specifies whether the drawing should be counterclockwise or clockwise. False is default, and indicates clockwise, while true indicates counter-clockwise.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 414

beginFill(color, alpha) → {PIXI.Graphics}

Specifies a simple one-color fill that subsequent calls to other Graphics methods (such as lineTo() or drawCircle()) use when drawing.

Name Type Description
color Number

the color of the fill

alpha Number

the alpha of the fill

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 496

bezierCurveTo(cpX, cpY, cpX2, cpY2, toX, toY) → {PIXI.Graphics}

Calculate the points for a bezier curve and then draws it.

Name Type Description
cpX Number

Control point x

cpY Number

Control point y

cpX2 Number

Second Control point x

cpY2 Number

Second Control point y

toX Number

Destination point x

toY Number

Destination point y

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 287

clear() → {PIXI.Graphics}

Clears the graphics that were drawn to this Graphics object, and resets fill and line style settings.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 617


Destroy this Graphics instance.

Name Type Argument Default Description
destroyChildren boolean <optional>

Should every child of this object have its destroy method called?

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 143


Destroys a previous cached sprite.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 1055

drawCircle(x, y, radius) → {Phaser.Graphics}

/* Draws a circle.

Name Type Description
x Number

The X coordinate of the center of the circle.

y Number

The Y coordinate of the center of the circle.

radius Number

The diameter of the circle.


This Graphics object.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 197

drawEllipse(x, y, width, height) → {PIXI.Graphics}

Draws an ellipse.

Name Type Description
x Number

The X coordinate of the center of the ellipse

y Number

The Y coordinate of the center of the ellipse

width Number

The half width of the ellipse

height Number

The half height of the ellipse

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 586

drawPolygon(path) → {PIXI.Graphics}

Draws a polygon using the given path.

Name Type Description
path Array

The path data used to construct the polygon.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 603

drawRect(x, y, width, height) → {PIXI.Graphics}

Name Type Description
x Number

The X coord of the top-left of the rectangle

y Number

The Y coord of the top-left of the rectangle

width Number

The width of the rectangle

height Number

The height of the rectangle

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 538

drawRoundedRect(x, y, width, height, radius)

Name Type Description
x Number

The X coord of the top-left of the rectangle

y Number

The Y coord of the top-left of the rectangle

width Number

The width of the rectangle

height Number

The height of the rectangle

radius Number

Radius of the rectangle corners

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 554

drawShape(shape) → {PIXI.GraphicsData}

Draws the given shape to this Graphics object. Can be any of Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Line or Polygon.

Name Type Description
shape PIXI.Circle | PIXI.Rectangle | PIXI.Ellipse | Line | PIXI.Polygon

The Shape object to draw.


The generated GraphicsData object.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 1069

drawTriangle(points, cull)

/* Draws a single {Phaser.Polygon} triangle from a {Phaser.Point} array

Name Type Argument Default Description
points Array.<Phaser.Point>

An array of Phaser.Points that make up the three vertices of this triangle

cull boolean <optional>

Should we check if the triangle is back-facing

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 213

drawTriangles(vertices, {indices=null}, cull)

/* Draws {Phaser.Polygon} triangles

Name Type Argument Default Description
vertices Array.<Phaser.Point> | Array.<number>

An array of Phaser.Points or numbers that make up the vertices of the triangles

{indices=null} Array.<number>

An array of numbers that describe what order to draw the vertices in

cull boolean <optional>

Should we check if the triangle is back-facing

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 245

endFill() → {PIXI.Graphics}

Applies a fill to the lines and shapes that were added since the last call to the beginFill() method.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 523

generateTexture(resolution, scaleMode) → {PIXI.Texture}

Useful function that returns a texture of the graphics object that can then be used to create sprites This can be quite useful if your geometry is complicated and needs to be reused multiple times.

Name Type Description
resolution Number

The resolution of the texture being generated

scaleMode Number

Should be one of the PIXI.scaleMode consts


a texture of the graphics object

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 635

getBounds() → {PIXI.Rectangle}

Retrieves the bounds of the graphic shape as a rectangle object


the rectangular bounding area

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 813

getChildAt(index) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Returns the child at the specified index

Name Type Description
index Number

The index to get the child from


The child at the given index, if any.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 193

getChildIndex(child) → {Number}

Returns the index position of a child DisplayObject instance

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The DisplayObject instance to identify

Number -

The index position of the child display object to identify

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 158

getLocalBounds() → {PIXI.Rectangle}

Retrieves the non-global local bounds of the displayObjectContainer as a rectangle. The calculation takes all visible children into consideration.


The rectangular bounding area

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 362

lineStyle(lineWidth, color, alpha) → {PIXI.Graphics}

Specifies the line style used for subsequent calls to Graphics methods such as the lineTo() method or the drawCircle() method.

Name Type Description
lineWidth Number

width of the line to draw, will update the objects stored style

color Number

color of the line to draw, will update the objects stored style

alpha Number

alpha of the line to draw, will update the objects stored style

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 171

lineTo(x, y) → {PIXI.Graphics}

Draws a line using the current line style from the current drawing position to (x, y); The current drawing position is then set to (x, y).

Name Type Description
x Number

the X coordinate to draw to

y Number

the Y coordinate to draw to

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 220

moveTo(x, y) → {PIXI.Graphics}

Moves the current drawing position to x, y.

Name Type Description
x Number

the X coordinate to move to

y Number

the Y coordinate to move to

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 205


Automatically called by World.postUpdate.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 128


Automatically called by World.preUpdate.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 85

quadraticCurveTo(cpX, cpY, toX, toY) → {PIXI.Graphics}

Calculate the points for a quadratic bezier curve and then draws it. Based on:

Name Type Description
cpX Number

Control point x

cpY Number

Control point y

toX Number

Destination point x

toY Number

Destination point y

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 237

removeChild(child) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Removes a child from the container.

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The DisplayObject to remove


The child that was removed.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 210

removeChildAt(index) → {PIXI.DisplayObject}

Removes a child from the specified index position.

Name Type Description
index Number

The index to get the child from


The child that was removed.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 225

removeChildren(beginIndex, endIndex)

Removes all children from this container that are within the begin and end indexes.

Name Type Description
beginIndex Number

The beginning position. Default value is 0.

endIndex Number

The ending position. Default value is size of the container.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 243


Removes the current stage reference from the container and all of its children.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 404

setChildIndex(child, index)

Changes the position of an existing child in the display object container

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject

The child DisplayObject instance for which you want to change the index number

index Number

The resulting index number for the child display object

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 175


Sets the containers Stage reference. This is the Stage that this object, and all of its children, is connected to.

Name Type Description
stage PIXI.Stage

the stage that the container will have as its current stage reference

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 386

swapChildren(child, child2)

Swaps the position of 2 Display Objects within this container.

Name Type Description
child PIXI.DisplayObject


child2 PIXI.DisplayObject


Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObjectContainer.js, line 133

toGlobal(position) → {PIXI.Point}

Calculates the global position of the display object

Name Type Description
position PIXI.Point

The world origin to calculate from


A point object representing the position of this object

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 616

toLocal(position, from) → {PIXI.Point}

Calculates the local position of the display object relative to another point

Name Type Argument Description
position PIXI.Point

The world origin to calculate from

from PIXI.DisplayObject <optional>

The DisplayObject to calculate the global position from


A point object representing the position of this object

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 630


Override and use this function in your own custom objects to handle any update requirements you may have.

Source code: gameobjects/Graphics.js, line 118


Generates and updates the cached sprite for this object.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/display/DisplayObject.js, line 606


Update the bounds of the object

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/primitives/Graphics.js, line 892