These archived docs are for Phaser 2.6.2 Phaser 3 docs can be found on
Phaser CE docs can be found on the Phaser CE Documentation site.


Phaser. Frame

new Frame(index, x, y, width, height, name)

A Frame is a single frame of an animation and is part of a FrameData collection.

Name Type Description
index number

The index of this Frame within the FrameData set it is being added to.

x number

X position of the frame within the texture image.

y number

Y position of the frame within the texture image.

width number

Width of the frame within the texture image.

height number

Height of the frame within the texture image.

name string

The name of the frame. In Texture Atlas data this is usually set to the filename.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 19)

Public Properties

bottom : number

The bottom of the frame (y + height).

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 126)

centerX : number

Center X position within the image to cut from.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 54)

centerY : number

Center Y position within the image to cut from.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 59)

distance : number

The distance from the top left to the bottom-right of this Frame.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 64)

height : number

Height of the frame.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 44)

index : number

The index of this Frame within the FrameData set it is being added to.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 24)

name : string

Useful for Texture Atlas files (is set to the filename value).

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 49)

The right of the Frame (x + width).

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 121)

rotated : boolean

Rotated? (not yet implemented)

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 70)

rotationDirection : string

Either 'cw' or 'ccw', rotation is always 90 degrees.

Default Value
  • 'cw'
Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 76)

sourceSizeH : number

Height of the original sprite before it was trimmed.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 92)

sourceSizeW : number

Width of the original sprite before it was trimmed.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 87)

spriteSourceSizeH : number

Height of the trimmed sprite.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 116)

spriteSourceSizeW : number

Width of the trimmed sprite.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 110)

spriteSourceSizeX : number

X position of the trimmed sprite inside original sprite.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 98)

spriteSourceSizeY : number

Y position of the trimmed sprite inside original sprite.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 104)

trimmed : boolean

Was it trimmed when packed?

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 82)

width : number

Width of the frame.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 39)

x : number

X position within the image to cut from.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 29)

y : number

Y position within the image to cut from.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 34)

Public Methods

clone() → {Phaser.Frame}

Clones this Frame into a new Phaser.Frame object and returns it.
Note that all properties are cloned, including the name, index and UUID.


An exact copy of this Frame object.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 183)

getRect(out) → {Phaser.Rectangle}

Returns a Rectangle set to the dimensions of this Frame.

Name Type Argument Description
out Phaser.Rectangle <optional>

A rectangle to copy the frame dimensions to.


A rectangle.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 206)

resize(width, height)

Adjusts of all the Frame properties based on the given width and height values.

Name Type Description
width integer

The new width of the Frame.

height integer

The new height of the Frame.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 132)

setTrim(trimmed, actualWidth, actualHeight, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight)

If the frame was trimmed when added to the Texture Atlas this records the trim and source data.

Name Type Description
trimmed boolean

If this frame was trimmed or not.

actualWidth number

The width of the frame before being trimmed.

actualHeight number

The height of the frame before being trimmed.

destX number

The destination X position of the trimmed frame for display.

destY number

The destination Y position of the trimmed frame for display.

destWidth number

The destination width of the trimmed frame for display.

destHeight number

The destination height of the trimmed frame for display.

Source code: animation/Frame.js (Line 153)