These archived docs are for Phaser 2.4.4 Phaser 3 docs can be found on
Phaser CE docs can be found on the Phaser CE Documentation site.


Phaser. Animation

new Animation(game, parent, name, frameData, frames, frameRate, loop, loop)

An Animation instance contains a single animation and the controls to play it.

It is created by the AnimationManager, consists of Animation.Frame objects and belongs to a single Game Object such as a Sprite.

Name Type Argument Default Description
game Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running game.

parent Phaser.Sprite

A reference to the owner of this Animation.

name string

The unique name for this animation, used in playback commands.

frameData Phaser.FrameData

The FrameData object that contains all frames used by this Animation.

frames Array.<number> | Array.<string>

An array of numbers or strings indicating which frames to play in which order.

frameRate number <optional>

The speed at which the animation should play. The speed is given in frames per second.

loop boolean <optional>

Whether or not the animation is looped or just plays once.

loop boolean

Should this animation loop when it reaches the end or play through once.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 23)

Public Properties

currentFrame : Phaser.Frame

The currently displayed frame of the Animation.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 126)

delay : number

The delay in ms between each frame of the Animation, based on the given frameRate.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 59)

enableUpdate : boolean

Gets or sets if this animation will dispatch the onUpdate events upon changing frame.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 729)

frame : number

Gets or sets the current frame index and updates the Texture Cache for display.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 668)

[readonly] frameTotal : number

The total number of frames in the currently loaded FrameData, or -1 if no FrameData is loaded.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 655)

game : Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running Game.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 30)

isFinished : boolean

The finished state of the Animation. Set to true once playback completes, false during playback.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 81)

isPaused : boolean

The paused state of the Animation.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 93)

isPlaying : boolean

The playing state of the Animation. Set to false once playback completes, true during playback.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 87)

killOnComplete : boolean

Should the parent of this Animation be killed when the animation completes?

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 75)

loop : boolean

The loop state of the Animation.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 64)

loopCount : number

The number of times the animation has looped since it was last started.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 69)

name : string

The user defined name given to this Animation.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 47)

onComplete : Phaser.Signal

This event is dispatched when this Animation completes playback. If the animation is set to loop this is never fired, listen for onLoop instead.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 144)

onLoop : Phaser.Signal

This event is dispatched when this Animation loops.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 149)

onStart : Phaser.Signal

This event is dispatched when this Animation starts playback.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 131)

onUpdate : Phaser.Signal | null

This event is dispatched when the Animation changes frame. By default this event is disabled due to its intensive nature. Enable it with: Animation.enableUpdate = true.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 139)

paused : boolean

Gets and sets the paused state of this Animation.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 621)

speed : number

Gets or sets the current speed of the animation in frames per second. Changing this in a playing animation will take effect from the next frame. Minimum value is 1.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 706)

Public Methods

<static> generateFrameNames(prefix, start, stop, suffix, zeroPad) → {Array.<string>}

Really handy function for when you are creating arrays of animation data but it's using frame names and not numbers. For example imagine you've got 30 frames named: 'explosion_0001-large' to 'explosion0030-large' You could use this function to generate those by doing: Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('explosion', 1, 30, '-large', 4);

Name Type Argument Default Description
prefix string

The start of the filename. If the filename was 'explosion0001-large' the prefix would be 'explosion'.

start number

The number to start sequentially counting from. If your frames are named 'explosion_0001' to 'explosion_0034' the start is 1.

stop number

The number to count to. If your frames are named 'explosion_0001' to 'explosion_0034' the stop value is 34.

suffix string <optional>

The end of the filename. If the filename was 'explosion_0001-large' the prefix would be '-large'.

zeroPad number <optional>

The number of zeros to pad the min and max values with. If your frames are named 'explosion_0001' to 'explosion_0034' then the zeroPad is 4.

Array.<string> -

An array of framenames.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 757)


Called internally when the animation finishes playback. Sets the isPlaying and isFinished states and dispatches the onAnimationComplete event if it exists on the parent and local onComplete event.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 591)


Cleans up this animation ready for deletion. Nulls all values and references.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 557)


Advances by the given number of frames in the Animation, taking the loop value into consideration.

Name Type Argument Default Description
quantity number <optional>

The number of frames to advance.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 480)


Called when the Game enters a paused state.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 327)


Called when the Game resumes from a paused state.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 341)

play(frameRate, loop, killOnComplete) → {Phaser.Animation}

Plays this animation.

Name Type Argument Default Description
frameRate number <optional>

The framerate to play the animation at. The speed is given in frames per second. If not provided the previously set frameRate of the Animation is used.

loop boolean <optional>

Should the animation be looped after playback. If not provided the previously set loop value of the Animation is used.

killOnComplete boolean <optional>

If set to true when the animation completes (only happens if loop=false) the parent Sprite will be killed.

  • A reference to this Animation instance.
Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 159)


Moves backwards the given number of frames in the Animation, taking the loop value into consideration.

Name Type Argument Default Description
quantity number <optional>

The number of frames to move back.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 512)


Sets this animation back to the first frame and restarts the animation.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 210)

setFrame(frameId, useLocalFrameIndex)

Sets this animations playback to a given frame with the given ID.

Name Type Argument Default Description
frameId string | number <optional>

The identifier of the frame to set. Can be the name of the frame, the sprite index of the frame, or the animation-local frame index.

useLocalFrameIndex boolean <optional>

If you provide a number for frameId, should it use the numeric indexes of the frameData, or the 0-indexed frame index local to the animation.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 238)

stop(resetFrame, dispatchComplete)

Stops playback of this animation and set it to a finished state. If a resetFrame is provided it will stop playback and set frame to the first in the animation. If dispatchComplete is true it will dispatch the complete events, otherwise they'll be ignored.

Name Type Argument Default Description
resetFrame boolean <optional>

If true after the animation stops the currentFrame value will be set to the first frame in this animation.

dispatchComplete boolean <optional>

Dispatch the Animation.onComplete and parent.onAnimationComplete events?

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 296)


Updates this animation. Called automatically by the AnimationManager.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 355)


Changes the FrameData object this Animation is using.

Name Type Description
frameData Phaser.FrameData

The FrameData object that contains all frames used by this Animation.

Source code: animation/Animation.js (Line 544)