new Body(sprite)
The Physics Body is linked to a single Sprite. All physics operations should be performed against the body rather than the Sprite itself. For example you can set the velocity, acceleration, bounce values etc all on the Body.
Name | Type | Description |
sprite |
Phaser.Sprite | The Sprite object this physics body belongs to. |
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 15
Public Properties
acceleration : Phaser.Point
The velocity in pixels per second sq. of the Body.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 128
allowGravity : boolean
Allow this Body to be influenced by gravity? Either world or local.
- Default Value
- true
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 139
allowRotation : boolean
Allow this Body to be rotated? (via angularVelocity, etc)
- Default Value
- true
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 59
[readonly] angle : number
The angle of the Body in radians as calculated by its velocity, rather than its visual angle.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 191
angularAcceleration : number
The angular acceleration in pixels per second sq. of the Body.
- Default Value
- 0
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 167
angularDrag : number
The angular drag applied to the rotation of the Body.
- Default Value
- 0
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 173
angularVelocity : number
The angular velocity in pixels per second sq. of the Body.
- Default Value
- 0
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 161
blocked : Object
This object is populated with boolean values when the Body collides with the World bounds or a Tile. For example if blocked.up is true then the Body cannot move up. An object containing on which faces this Body is blocked from moving, if any.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 285
[readonly] bottom : number
The bottom value of this Body (same as Body.y + Body.height)
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 721
bounce : Phaser.Point
The elasticitiy of the Body when colliding. bounce.x/y = 1 means full rebound, bounce.x/y = 0.5 means 50% rebound velocity.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 149
center : Phaser.Point
The center coordinate of the Physics Body.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 107
checkCollision : Object
Set the checkCollision properties to control which directions collision is processed for this Body. For example checkCollision.up = false means it won't collide when the collision happened while moving up. An object containing allowed collision.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 265
collideWorldBounds : boolean
A Body can be set to collide against the World bounds automatically and rebound back into the World if this is set to true. Otherwise it will leave the World. Should the Body collide with the World bounds?
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 258
customSeparateX : boolean
This flag allows you to disable the custom x separation that takes place by Physics.Arcade.separate. Used in combination with your own collision processHandler you can create whatever type of collision response you need. Use a custom separation system or the built-in one?
- Default Value
- false
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 226
customSeparateY : boolean
This flag allows you to disable the custom y separation that takes place by Physics.Arcade.separate. Used in combination with your own collision processHandler you can create whatever type of collision response you need. Use a custom separation system or the built-in one?
- Default Value
- false
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 234
deltaMax : Phaser.Point
The Sprite position is updated based on the delta x/y values. You can set a cap on those (both +-) using deltaMax.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 123
drag : Phaser.Point
The drag applied to the motion of the Body.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 133
embedded : boolean
If a body is overlapping with another body, but neither of them are moving (maybe they spawned on-top of each other?) this is set to true. Body embed value.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 252
enable : boolean
A disabled body won't be checked for any form of collision or overlap or have its pre/post updates run.
- Default Value
- true
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 36
facing : number
A const reference to the direction the Body is traveling or facing.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 203
game : Phaser.Game
Local reference to game.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 25
gravity : Phaser.Point
A local gravity applied to this Body. If non-zero this over rides any world gravity, unless Body.allowGravity is set to false.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 144
halfHeight : number
The calculated height / 2 of the physics body.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 102
halfWidth : number
The calculated width / 2 of the physics body.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 97
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 92
Name Type Description .numInternal
ID cache
immovable : boolean
An immovable Body will not receive any impacts from other bodies.
- Default Value
- false
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 209
mass : number
The mass of the Body.
- Default Value
- 1
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 185
maxAngular : number
The maximum angular velocity in pixels per second sq. that the Body can reach.
- Default Value
- 1000
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 179
maxVelocity : Phaser.Point
The maximum velocity in pixels per second sq. that the Body can reach.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 155
moves : boolean
If you have a Body that is being moved around the world via a tween or a Group motion, but its local x/y position never actually changes, then you should set Body.moves = false. Otherwise it will most likely fly off the screen. If you want the physics system to move the body around, then set moves to true. Set to true to allow the Physics system to move this Body, other false to move it manually.
- Default Value
- true
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 218
[readonly] newVelocity : Phaser.Point
New velocity.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 118
offset : Phaser.Point
The offset of the Physics Body from the Sprite x/y position.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 41
overlapX : number
When this body collides with another, the amount of overlap is stored here. The amount of horizontal overlap during the collision.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 240
overlapY : number
When this body collides with another, the amount of overlap is stored here. The amount of vertical overlap during the collision.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 246
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 297
Name Type Description phaser
number Is this Body in a preUpdate (1) or postUpdate (2) state?
[readonly] position : Phaser.Point
The position of the physics body.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 47
[readonly] preRotation : number
The previous rotation of the physics body.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 70
[readonly] prev : Phaser.Point
The previous position of the physics body.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 53
[readonly] right : number
The right value of this Body (same as Body.x + Body.width)
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 734
rotation : number
The amount the Body is rotated.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 64
skipQuadTree : boolean
If true and you collide this Sprite against a Group, it will disable the collision check from using a QuadTree.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 302
[readonly] sourceHeight : number
The un-scaled original size.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 82
[readonly] sourceWidth : number
The un-scaled original size.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 76
[readonly] speed : number
The speed of the Body as calculated by its velocity.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 197
sprite : Phaser.Sprite
Reference to the parent Sprite.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 20
tilePadding : Phaser.Point
If this is an especially small or fast moving object then it can sometimes skip over tilemap collisions if it moves through a tile in a step. Set this padding value to add extra padding to its bounds. tilePadding.x applied to its width, y to its height. Extra padding to be added to this sprites dimensions when checking for tile collision.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 292
touching : Object
This object is populated with boolean values when the Body collides with another. touching.up = true means the collision happened to the top of this Body for example. An object containing touching results.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 272
type : number
The type of physics system this body belongs to.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 30
velocity : Phaser.Point
The velocity in pixels per second sq. of the Body.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 112
wasTouching : Object
This object is populated with previous touching values from the bodies previous collision. An object containing previous touching results.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 278
width : number
The calculated width of the physics body.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 87
x : number
The x position.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 747
y : number
The y position.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 764
Public Methods
<internal> checkWorldBounds()
Internal method.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 540
deltaAbsX() → {number}
Returns the absolute delta x value.
number -The absolute delta value.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 669
deltaAbsY() → {number}
Returns the absolute delta y value.
number -The absolute delta value.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 679
deltaX() → {number}
Returns the delta x value. The difference between Body.x now and in the previous step.
number -The delta value. Positive if the motion was to the right, negative if to the left.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 689
deltaY() → {number}
Returns the delta y value. The difference between Body.y now and in the previous step.
number -The delta value. Positive if the motion was downwards, negative if upwards.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 699
deltaZ() → {number}
Returns the delta z value. The difference between Body.rotation now and in the previous step.
number -The delta value. Positive if the motion was clockwise, negative if anti-clockwise.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 709
Removes this bodies reference to its parent sprite, freeing it up for gc.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 528
hitTest(x, y) → {boolean}
Tests if a world point lies within this Body.
Name Type Description x
number The world x coordinate to test.
number The world y coordinate to test.
boolean -True if the given coordinates are inside this Body, otherwise false.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 635
onFloor() → {boolean}
Returns true if the bottom of this Body is in contact with either the world bounds or a tile.
boolean -True if in contact with either the world bounds or a tile.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 649
onWall() → {boolean}
Returns true if either side of this Body is in contact with either the world bounds or a tile.
boolean -True if in contact with either the world bounds or a tile.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 659
<internal> postUpdate()
Internal method.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 444
<internal> preUpdate()
Internal method.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 364
render(context, body, color, filled)
Render Sprite Body.
Name Type Argument Default Description context
object The context to render to.
Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body The Body to render the info of.
string <optional>
'rgba(0,255,0,0.4)' color of the debug info to be rendered. (format is css color string).
boolean <optional>
true Render the objected as a filled (default, true) or a stroked (false)
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 782
renderBodyInfo(body, x, y, color)
Render Sprite Body Physics Data as text.
Name Type Argument Default Description body
Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body The Body to render the info of.
number X position of the debug info to be rendered.
number Y position of the debug info to be rendered.
string <optional>
'rgb(255,255,255)' color of the debug info to be rendered. (format is css color string).
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 810
reset(x, y)
Resets all Body values (velocity, acceleration, rotation, etc)
Name Type Description x
number The new x position of the Body.
number The new y position of the Body.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 604
setSize(width, height, offsetX, offsetY)
You can modify the size of the physics Body to be any dimension you need. So it could be smaller or larger than the parent Sprite. You can also control the x and y offset, which is the position of the Body relative to the top-left of the Sprite.
Name Type Argument Description width
number The width of the Body.
number The height of the Body.
number <optional>
The X offset of the Body from the Sprite position.
number <optional>
The Y offset of the Body from the Sprite position.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 576
<internal> updateBounds()
Internal method.
- Internal:
- This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
- Source code: physics/arcade/Body.js, line 338