These archived docs are for Phaser 2.6.1 Phaser 3 docs can be found on
Phaser CE docs can be found on the Phaser CE Documentation site.


Phaser. RenderTexture

new RenderTexture(game, key, width, height, key, scaleMode, resolution)

A RenderTexture is a special texture that allows any displayObject to be rendered to it. It allows you to take many complex objects and render them down into a single quad (on WebGL) which can then be used to texture other display objects with. A way of generating textures at run-time.

Name Type Argument Default Description
game Phaser.Game

Current game instance.

key string

Internal Phaser reference key for the render texture.

width number <optional>

The width of the render texture.

height number <optional>

The height of the render texture.

key string <optional>

The key of the RenderTexture in the Cache, if stored there.

scaleMode number <optional>

One of the Phaser.scaleModes consts.

resolution number <optional>

The resolution of the texture being generated.

Source code: gameobjects/RenderTexture.js (Line 22)


Public Properties

baseTexture : PIXI.BaseTexture

The base texture object that this texture uses

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 78)

crop :Rectangle

This is the area of the BaseTexture image to actually copy to the Canvas / WebGL when rendering, irrespective of the actual frame size or placement (which can be influenced by trimmed texture atlases)

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 69)

frame :Rectangle

The framing rectangle of the render texture

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 61)

game : Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running game.

Source code: gameobjects/RenderTexture.js (Line 31)

height : number

The height of the render texture

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 45)

isTiling : boolean

Is this a tiling texture? As used by the likes of a TilingSprite.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/Texture.js (Line 79)

key : string

The key of the RenderTexture in the Cache, if stored there.

Source code: gameobjects/RenderTexture.js (Line 36)

noFrame : boolean

Does this Texture have any frame data assigned to it?

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/Texture.js (Line 28)

renderer : PIXI.CanvasRenderer | PIXI.WebGLRenderer

The renderer this RenderTexture uses. A RenderTexture can only belong to one renderer at the moment if its webGL.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 99)

requiresReTint : boolean

This will let a renderer know that a tinted parent has updated its texture.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/Texture.js (Line 95)

requiresUpdate : boolean

This will let a renderer know that a texture has been updated (used mainly for webGL uv updates)

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/Texture.js (Line 87)

resolution : number

The Resolution of the texture.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 53)

trim :Rectangle

The texture trim data.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/Texture.js (Line 63)

type : number

Base Phaser object type.

Source code: gameobjects/RenderTexture.js (Line 41)

valid : boolean

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 125)

width : number

The with of the render texture

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 37)

Public Methods


Clears the RenderTexture.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 175)


Destroys this texture

Name Type Description
destroyBase Boolean

Whether to destroy the base texture as well

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/Texture.js (Line 165)

getBase64() → {String}

Will return a base64 encoded string of this texture. It works by calling RenderTexture.getCanvas and then running toDataURL on that.

String -

A base64 encoded string of the texture.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 309)

getCanvas() → {HTMLCanvasElement}

Creates a Canvas element, renders this RenderTexture to it and then returns it.

HTMLCanvasElement -

A Canvas element with the texture rendered on.

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 320)

getImage() → {Image}

Will return a HTML Image of the texture

Image -
Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 296)

render(displayObject, matrix, clear)

This function will draw the display object to the RenderTexture.

In versions of Phaser prior to 2.4.0 the second parameter was a Phaser.Point object. This is now a Matrix allowing you much more control over how the Display Object is rendered. If you need to replicate the earlier behavior please use Phaser.RenderTexture.renderXY instead.

If you wish for the displayObject to be rendered taking its current scale, rotation and translation into account then either pass null, leave it undefined or pass displayObject.worldTransform as the matrix value.

Name Type Argument Default Description
displayObject Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image | Phaser.Text | Phaser.BitmapText | Phaser.Group

The display object to render to this texture.

matrix Phaser.Matrix <optional>

Optional matrix to apply to the display object before rendering. If null or undefined it will use the worldTransform matrix of the given display object.

clear boolean <optional>

If true the texture will be cleared before the display object is drawn.

Source code: gameobjects/RenderTexture.js (Line 118)

renderRawXY(displayObject, x, y, clear)

This function will draw the display object to the RenderTexture at the given coordinates.

When the display object is drawn it doesn't take into account scale, rotation or translation.

If you need those then use RenderTexture.renderXY instead.

Name Type Argument Default Description
displayObject Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image | Phaser.Text | Phaser.BitmapText | Phaser.Group

The display object to render to this texture.

x number

The x position to render the object at.

y number

The y position to render the object at.

clear boolean <optional>

If true the texture will be cleared before the display object is drawn.

Source code: gameobjects/RenderTexture.js (Line 90)

renderXY(displayObject, x, y, clear)

This function will draw the display object to the RenderTexture at the given coordinates.

When the display object is drawn it takes into account scale and rotation.

If you don't want those then use RenderTexture.renderRawXY instead.

Name Type Argument Default Description
displayObject Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Image | Phaser.Text | Phaser.BitmapText | Phaser.Group

The display object to render to this texture.

x number

The x position to render the object at.

y number

The y position to render the object at.

clear boolean <optional>

If true the texture will be cleared before the display object is drawn.

Source code: gameobjects/RenderTexture.js (Line 58)

resize(width, height, updateBase)

Resizes the RenderTexture.

Name Type Description
width Number

The width to resize to.

height Number

The height to resize to.

updateBase Boolean

Should the baseTexture.width and height values be resized as well?

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/RenderTexture.js (Line 139)


Specifies the region of the baseTexture that this texture will use.

Name Type Description
frame Rectangle

The frame of the texture to set it to

Inherited From
Source code: pixi/textures/Texture.js (Line 178)