new PointerMode()
Enumeration categorizing operational modes of pointers.
PointerType values represent valid bitmasks.
For example, a value representing both Mouse and Touch devices
can be expressed as PointerMode.CURSOR | PointerMode.CONTACT
Values may be added for future mode categorizations.
- Source code: input/Pointer.js (Line 1258)
Public Properties
[static] CONTACT
A 'CONTACT' pointer has an active cursor that only tracks movement when actived; notably this is a touch-style input.
- Source code: input/Pointer.js (Line 1273)
[static] CURSOR
A 'CURSOR' is a pointer with a passive cursor such as a mouse, touchpad, watcom stylus, or even TV-control arrow-pad.
It has the property that a cursor is passively moved without activating the input. This currently corresponds with Phaser.Pointer#isMouse property.
- Source code: input/Pointer.js (Line 1267)