These archived docs are for Phaser 2.6.2 Phaser 3 docs can be found on
Phaser CE docs can be found on the Phaser CE Documentation site.


Phaser.Physics. P2

new P2(game, config)

This is your main access to the P2 Physics World.
From here you can create materials, listen for events and add bodies into the physics simulation.

Name Type Argument Description
game Phaser.Game

Reference to the current game instance.

config object <optional>

Physics configuration object passed in from the game constructor.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 20)



Public Properties

applyDamping : boolean

Enable to automatically apply body damping each step.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1919)

applyGravity : boolean

Enable to automatically apply gravity each step.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1939)

applySpringForces : boolean

Enable to automatically apply spring forces each step.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1899)

boundsCollidesWith :array

An array of the bodies the world bounds collides with.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 232)

boundsCollisionGroup : Phaser.Physics.P2.CollisionGroup

A default collision group.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 222)

callbackContext : Object

The context under which the callbacks are fired.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 170)

collisionGroups :array

An array containing the collision groups that have been defined in the World.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 212)

<internal> config : Object

The p2 World configuration object.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 48)

contactMaterial :p2.ContactMaterial

The default Contact Material being used by the World.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1879)

emitImpactEvent : boolean

Set to true if you want to the world to emit the "impact" event. Turning this off could improve performance.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1994)

everythingCollisionGroup : Phaser.Physics.P2.CollisionGroup

A default collision group.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 227)

frameRate : number

The frame rate the world will be stepped at. Defaults to 1 / 60, but you can change here. Also see useElapsedTime property.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 60)

friction : number

Friction between colliding bodies. This value is used if no matching ContactMaterial is found for a Material pair.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1839)

game : Phaser.Game

Local reference to game.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 25)

gravity : Phaser.Physics.P2.InversePointProxy

The gravity applied to all bodies each step.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 83)

<internal> materials :array.<Phaser.Physics.P2.Material>

A local array of all created Materials.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 78)

nothingCollisionGroup : Phaser.Physics.P2.CollisionGroup

A default collision group.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 217)

onBeginContact : Phaser.Signal

This Signal is dispatched when a first contact is created between two bodies. This happens before the step has been done.

It sends 5 arguments: bodyA, bodyB, shapeA, shapeB and contactEquations.

It is possible that in certain situations the bodyA or bodyB values are null. You should check for this
in your own code to avoid processing potentially null physics bodies.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 182)

onBodyAdded : Phaser.Signal

This signal is dispatched when a new Body is added to the World.

It sends 1 argument: body which is the Phaser.Physics.P2.Body that was added to the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 97)

onBodyRemoved : Phaser.Signal

This signal is dispatched when a Body is removed to the World.

It sends 1 argument: body which is the Phaser.Physics.P2.Body that was removed from the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 106)

onConstraintAdded : Phaser.Signal

This signal is dispatched when a Constraint is added to the World.

It sends 1 argument: constraint which is the Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint that was added to the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 133)

onConstraintRemoved : Phaser.Signal

This signal is dispatched when a Constraint is removed from the World.

It sends 1 argument: constraint which is the Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint that was removed from the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 142)

onContactMaterialAdded : Phaser.Signal

This signal is dispatched when a Contact Material is added to the World.

It sends 1 argument: material which is the Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial that was added to the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 151)

onContactMaterialRemoved : Phaser.Signal

This signal is dispatched when a Contact Material is removed from the World.

It sends 1 argument: material which is the Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial that was removed from the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 160)

onEndContact : Phaser.Signal

This Signal is dispatched when final contact occurs between two bodies. This happens before the step has been done.

It sends 4 arguments: bodyA, bodyB, shapeA and shapeB.

It is possible that in certain situations the bodyA or bodyB values are null. You should check for this
in your own code to avoid processing potentially null physics bodies.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 194)

onSpringAdded : Phaser.Signal

This signal is dispatched when a Spring is added to the World.

It sends 1 argument: spring which is either a Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring, p2.LinearSpring or p2.RotationalSpring that was added to the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 115)

onSpringRemoved : Phaser.Signal

This signal is dispatched when a Spring is removed from the World.

It sends 1 argument: spring which is either a Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring, p2.LinearSpring or p2.RotationalSpring that was removed from the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 124)

paused : boolean

The paused state of the P2 World.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 72)

postBroadphaseCallback : Function

A postBroadphase callback.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 165)

restitution : number

Default coefficient of restitution between colliding bodies. This value is used if no matching ContactMaterial is found for a Material pair.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1859)

sleepMode : number

How to deactivate bodies during simulation. Possible modes are: World.NO_SLEEPING, World.BODY_SLEEPING and World.ISLAND_SLEEPING.
If sleeping is enabled, you might need to wake up the bodies if they fall asleep when they shouldn't. If you want to enable sleeping in the world, but want to disable it for a particular body, see Body.allowSleep.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 2014)

solveConstraints : boolean

Enable/disable constraint solving in each step.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1959)

[readonly] time : boolean

The World time.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1979)

[readonly] total : number

The total number of bodies in the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 2036)

useElapsedTime : boolean

If true the frameRate value will be ignored and instead p2 will step with the value of Game.Time.physicsElapsed, which is a delta time value.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 66)

walls : Object

An object containing the 4 wall bodies that bound the physics world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 88)

<internal> world :p2.World

The p2 World in which the simulation is run.

  • This member is internal (protected) and may be modified or removed in the future.
Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 54)

Public Methods

addBody(body) → {boolean}

Add a body to the world.

Name Type Description
body Phaser.Physics.P2.Body

The Body to add to the World.

boolean -

True if the Body was added successfully, otherwise false.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 887)

addConstraint(constraint) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint}

Adds a Constraint to the world.

Name Type Description
constraint Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint

The Constraint to add to the World.

Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint -

The Constraint that was added.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1119)

addContactMaterial(material) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial}

Adds a Contact Material to the world.

Name Type Description
material Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial

The Contact Material to be added to the World.


The Contact Material that was added.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1153)

addSpring(spring) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring}

Adds a Spring to the world.

Name Type Description
spring Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring | p2.LinearSpring | p2.RotationalSpring

The Spring to add to the World.


The Spring that was added.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 931)


Handles a p2 begin contact event.

Name Type Description
event object

The event data.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 502)


Clears all bodies from the simulation, resets callbacks and resets the collision bitmask.

The P2 world is also cleared:

  • Removes all solver equations
  • Removes all constraints
  • Removes all bodies
  • Removes all springs
  • Removes all contact materials

This is called automatically when you switch state.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 800)

clearTilemapLayerBodies(map, layer)

Clears all physics bodies from the given TilemapLayer that were created with World.convertTilemap.

Name Type Argument Description
map Phaser.Tilemap

The Tilemap to get the map data from.

layer number | string | Phaser.TilemapLayer <optional>

The layer to operate on. If not given will default to map.currentLayer.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1666)

convertCollisionObjects(map, layer, addToWorld) → {array}

Converts all of the polylines objects inside a Tiled ObjectGroup into physics bodies that are added to the world.
Note that the polylines must be created in such a way that they can withstand polygon decomposition.

Name Type Argument Default Description
map Phaser.Tilemap

The Tilemap to get the map data from.

layer number | string | Phaser.TilemapLayer <optional>

The layer to operate on. If not given will default to map.currentLayer.

addToWorld boolean <optional>

If true it will automatically add each body to the world.

array -

An array of the Phaser.Physics.Body objects that have been created.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1625)

convertTilemap(map, layer, addToWorld, optimize) → {array}

Goes through all tiles in the given Tilemap and TilemapLayer and converts those set to collide into physics bodies.
Only call this after you have specified all of the tiles you wish to collide with calls like Tilemap.setCollisionBetween, etc.
Every time you call this method it will destroy any previously created bodies and remove them from the world.
Therefore understand it's a very expensive operation and not to be done in a core game update loop.

Name Type Argument Default Description
map Phaser.Tilemap

The Tilemap to get the map data from.

layer number | string | Phaser.TilemapLayer <optional>

The layer to operate on. If not given will default to map.currentLayer.

addToWorld boolean <optional>

If true it will automatically add each body to the world, otherwise it's up to you to do so.

optimize boolean <optional>

If true adjacent colliding tiles will be combined into a single body to save processing. However it means you cannot perform specific Tile to Body collision responses.

array -

An array of the Phaser.Physics.P2.Body objects that were created.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1688)

createBody(x, y, mass, addToWorld, options, points) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.Body}

Creates a new Body and adds it to the World.

Name Type Argument Default Description
x number

The x coordinate of Body.

y number

The y coordinate of Body.

mass number

The mass of the Body. A mass of 0 means a 'static' Body is created.

addToWorld boolean <optional>

Automatically add this Body to the world? (usually false as it won't have any shapes on construction).

options object

An object containing the build options:

Name Type Argument Default Description
optimalDecomp boolean <optional>

Set to true if you need optimal decomposition. Warning: very slow for polygons with more than 10 vertices.

skipSimpleCheck boolean <optional>

Set to true if you already know that the path is not intersecting itself.

removeCollinearPoints boolean | number <optional>

Set to a number (angle threshold value) to remove collinear points, or false to keep all points.

points Array.<number> | number

An array of 2d vectors that form the convex or concave polygon.
Either [[0,0], [0,1],...] or a flat array of numbers that will be interpreted as [x,y, x,y, ...],
or the arguments passed can be flat x,y values e.g. setPolygon(options, x,y, x,y, x,y, ...) where x and y are numbers.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1542)


Creates a new Collision Group and optionally applies it to the given object.
Collision Groups are handled using bitmasks, therefore you have a fixed limit you can create before you need to re-use older groups.

Name Type Argument Description
object Phaser.Group | Phaser.Sprite <optional>

An optional Sprite or Group to apply the Collision Group to. If a Group is given it will be applied to all top-level children.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1411)

createContactMaterial(materialA, materialB, options) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial}

Creates a Contact Material from the two given Materials. You can then edit the properties of the Contact Material directly.

Name Type Argument Description
materialA Phaser.Physics.P2.Material <optional>

The first Material to create the ContactMaterial from. If undefined it will create a new Material object first.

materialB Phaser.Physics.P2.Material <optional>

The second Material to create the ContactMaterial from. If undefined it will create a new Material object first.

options object <optional>

Material options object.


The Contact Material that was created.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1246)

createDistanceConstraint(bodyA, bodyB, distance, localAnchorA, localAnchorB, maxForce) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.DistanceConstraint}

Creates a constraint that tries to keep the distance between two bodies constant.

Name Type Argument Description
bodyA Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

First connected body.

bodyB Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

Second connected body.

distance number

The distance to keep between the bodies.

localAnchorA Array <optional>

The anchor point for bodyA, defined locally in bodyA frame. Defaults to [0,0].

localAnchorB Array <optional>

The anchor point for bodyB, defined locally in bodyB frame. Defaults to [0,0].

maxForce number <optional>

The maximum force that should be applied to constrain the bodies.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 979)

createGearConstraint(bodyA, bodyB, angle, ratio) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.GearConstraint}

Creates a constraint that tries to keep the distance between two bodies constant.

Name Type Argument Default Description
bodyA Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

First connected body.

bodyB Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

Second connected body.

angle number <optional>

The relative angle

ratio number <optional>

The gear ratio.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1007)

createLockConstraint(bodyA, bodyB, offset, angle, maxForce) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.LockConstraint}

Locks the relative position between two bodies.

Name Type Argument Default Description
bodyA Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

First connected body.

bodyB Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

Second connected body.

offset Array <optional>

The offset of bodyB in bodyA's frame. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

angle number <optional>

The angle of bodyB in bodyA's frame.

maxForce number <optional>

The maximum force that should be applied to constrain the bodies.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1062)

createMaterial(name, body) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.Material}

Creates a Material. Materials are applied to Shapes owned by a Body and can be set with Body.setMaterial().
Materials are a way to control what happens when Shapes collide. Combine unique Materials together to create Contact Materials.
Contact Materials have properties such as friction and restitution that allow for fine-grained collision control between different Materials.

Name Type Argument Description
name string <optional>

Optional name of the Material. Each Material has a unique ID but string names are handy for debugging.

body Phaser.Physics.P2.Body <optional>

Optional Body. If given it will assign the newly created Material to the Body shapes.


The Material that was created. This is also stored in Phaser.Physics.P2.materials.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1219)

createParticle(x, y, mass, addToWorld, options, points)

Creates a new Particle and adds it to the World.

Name Type Argument Default Description
x number

The x coordinate of Body.

y number

The y coordinate of Body.

mass number

The mass of the Body. A mass of 0 means a 'static' Body is created.

addToWorld boolean <optional>

Automatically add this Body to the world? (usually false as it won't have any shapes on construction).

options object

An object containing the build options:

Name Type Argument Default Description
optimalDecomp boolean <optional>

Set to true if you need optimal decomposition. Warning: very slow for polygons with more than 10 vertices.

skipSimpleCheck boolean <optional>

Set to true if you already know that the path is not intersecting itself.

removeCollinearPoints boolean | number <optional>

Set to a number (angle threshold value) to remove collinear points, or false to keep all points.

points Array.<number> | number

An array of 2d vectors that form the convex or concave polygon.
Either [[0,0], [0,1],...] or a flat array of numbers that will be interpreted as [x,y, x,y, ...],
or the arguments passed can be flat x,y values e.g. setPolygon(options, x,y, x,y, x,y, ...) where x and y are numbers.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1584)

createPrismaticConstraint(bodyA, bodyB, lockRotation, anchorA, anchorB, axis, maxForce) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.PrismaticConstraint}

Constraint that only allows bodies to move along a line, relative to each other.

Name Type Argument Default Description
bodyA Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

First connected body.

bodyB Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

Second connected body.

lockRotation boolean <optional>

If set to false, bodyB will be free to rotate around its anchor point.

anchorA Array <optional>

Body A's anchor point, defined in its own local frame. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

anchorB Array <optional>

Body A's anchor point, defined in its own local frame. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

axis Array <optional>

An axis, defined in body A frame, that body B's anchor point may slide along. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

maxForce number <optional>

The maximum force that should be applied to constrain the bodies.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1089)

createRevoluteConstraint(bodyA, pivotA, bodyB, pivotB, maxForce, worldPivot) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.RevoluteConstraint}

Connects two bodies at given offset points, letting them rotate relative to each other around this point.
The pivot points are given in world (pixel) coordinates.

Name Type Argument Default Description
bodyA Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

First connected body.

pivotA Array

The point relative to the center of mass of bodyA which bodyA is constrained to. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

bodyB Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

Second connected body.

pivotB Array

The point relative to the center of mass of bodyB which bodyB is constrained to. The value is an array with 2 elements matching x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

maxForce number <optional>

The maximum force that should be applied to constrain the bodies.

worldPivot Float32Array <optional>

A pivot point given in world coordinates. If specified, localPivotA and localPivotB are automatically computed from this value.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1033)

createRotationalSpring(bodyA, bodyB, restAngle, stiffness, damping) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.RotationalSpring}

Creates a rotational spring, connecting two bodies. A spring can have a resting length, a stiffness and damping.

Name Type Argument Default Description
bodyA Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

First connected body.

bodyB Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

Second connected body.

restAngle number <optional>

The relative angle of bodies at which the spring is at rest. If not given, it's set to the current relative angle between the bodies.

stiffness number <optional>

Stiffness of the spring. A number >= 0.

damping number <optional>

Damping of the spring. A number >= 0.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1515)

createSpring(bodyA, bodyB, restLength, stiffness, damping, worldA, worldB, localA, localB) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring}

Creates a linear spring, connecting two bodies. A spring can have a resting length, a stiffness and damping.

Name Type Argument Default Description
bodyA Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

First connected body.

bodyB Phaser.Sprite | Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | p2.Body

Second connected body.

restLength number <optional>

Rest length of the spring. A number > 0.

stiffness number <optional>

Stiffness of the spring. A number >= 0.

damping number <optional>

Damping of the spring. A number >= 0.

worldA Array <optional>

Where to hook the spring to body A in world coordinates. This value is an array by 2 elements, x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

worldB Array <optional>

Where to hook the spring to body B in world coordinates. This value is an array by 2 elements, x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

localA Array <optional>

Where to hook the spring to body A in local body coordinates. This value is an array by 2 elements, x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

localB Array <optional>

Where to hook the spring to body B in local body coordinates. This value is an array by 2 elements, x and y, i.e: [32, 32].

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1484)


Clears all bodies from the simulation and unlinks World from Game. Should only be called on game shutdown. Call clear on a State change.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 874)

enable(object, debug, children)

This will create a P2 Physics body on the given game object or array of game objects.
A game object can only have 1 physics body active at any one time, and it can't be changed until the object is destroyed.
Note: When the game object is enabled for P2 physics it has its anchor x/y set to 0.5 so it becomes centered.

Name Type Argument Default Description
object object | array | Phaser.Group

The game object to create the physics body on. Can also be an array or Group of objects, a body will be created on every child that has a body property.

debug boolean <optional>

Create a debug object to go with this body?

children boolean <optional>

Should a body be created on all children of this object? If true it will recurse down the display list as far as it can go.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 313)

enableBody(object, debug)

Creates a P2 Physics body on the given game object.
A game object can only have 1 physics body active at any one time, and it can't be changed until the body is nulled.

Name Type Description
object object

The game object to create the physics body on. A body will only be created if this object has a null body property.

debug boolean

Create a debug object to go with this body?

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 372)


Handles a p2 end contact event.

Name Type Description
event object

The event data.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 527)

getBodies() → {array.<Phaser.Physics.P2.Body>}

Populates and returns an array with references to of all current Bodies in the world.


An array containing all current Bodies in the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1266)

getBody(object) → {p2.Body}

Checks the given object to see if it has a p2.Body and if so returns it.

Name Type Description
object object

The object to check for a p2.Body on.


The p2.Body, or null if not found.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1286)

getConstraints() → {array.<Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint>}

Populates and returns an array of all current Constraints in the world.
You will get an array of p2 constraints back. This can be of mixed types, for example the array may contain
PrismaticConstraints, RevoluteConstraints or any other valid p2 constraint type.

array.<Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint> -

An array containing all current Constraints in the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1335)

getContactMaterial(materialA, materialB) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial | boolean}

Gets a Contact Material based on the two given Materials.

Name Type Description
materialA Phaser.Physics.P2.Material

The first Material to search for.

materialB Phaser.Physics.P2.Material

The second Material to search for.


The Contact Material or false if none was found matching the Materials given.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1187)

getSprings() → {array.<Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring>}

Populates and returns an array of all current Springs in the world.


An array containing all current Springs in the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1315)

hitTest(worldPoint, bodies, precision, filterStatic) → {Array}

Test if a world point overlaps bodies. You will get an array of actual P2 bodies back. You can find out which Sprite a Body belongs to
(if any) by checking the Body.parent.sprite property. Body.parent is a Phaser.Physics.P2.Body property.

Name Type Argument Default Description
worldPoint Phaser.Point

Point to use for intersection tests. The points values must be in world (pixel) coordinates.

bodies Array.<(Phaser.Physics.P2.Body | Phaser.Sprite | p2.Body)> <optional>

A list of objects to check for intersection. If not given it will check (i.e. all world bodies)

precision number <optional>

Used for matching against particles and lines. Adds some margin to these infinitesimal objects.

filterStatic boolean <optional>

If true all Static objects will be removed from the results array.

Array -

Array of bodies that overlap the point.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1357)

mpx(v) → {number}

Convert p2 physics value (meters) to pixel scale.
By default Phaser uses a scale of 20px per meter.
If you need to modify this you can over-ride these functions via the Physics Configuration object.

Name Type Description
v number

The value to convert.

number -

The scaled value.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1777)

mpxi(v) → {number}

Convert p2 physics value (meters) to pixel scale and inverses it.
By default Phaser uses a scale of 20px per meter.
If you need to modify this you can over-ride these functions via the Physics Configuration object.

Name Type Description
v number

The value to convert.

number -

The scaled value.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1807)


Pauses the P2 World independent of the game pause state.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 733)


Called at the start of the core update loop. Purges flagged bodies from the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 295)

pxm(v) → {number}

Convert pixel value to p2 physics scale (meters).
By default Phaser uses a scale of 20px per meter.
If you need to modify this you can over-ride these functions via the Physics Configuration object.

Name Type Description
v number

The value to convert.

number -

The scaled value.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1792)

pxmi(v) → {number}

Convert pixel value to p2 physics scale (meters) and inverses it.
By default Phaser uses a scale of 20px per meter.
If you need to modify this you can over-ride these functions via the Physics Configuration object.

Name Type Description
v number

The value to convert.

number -

The scaled value.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1822)

removeBody(body) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.Body}

Removes a body from the world. This will silently fail if the body wasn't part of the world to begin with.

Name Type Description
body Phaser.Physics.P2.Body

The Body to remove from the World.


The Body that was removed.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 911)


This will add a P2 Physics body into the removal list for the next step.

Name Type Description
body Phaser.Physics.P2.Body

The body to remove at the start of the next step.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 283)

removeConstraint(constraint) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint}

Removes a Constraint from the world.

Name Type Description
constraint Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint

The Constraint to be removed from the World.

Phaser.Physics.P2.Constraint -

The Constraint that was removed.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1136)

removeContactMaterial(material) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial}

Removes a Contact Material from the world.

Name Type Description
material Phaser.Physics.P2.ContactMaterial

The Contact Material to be removed from the World.


The Contact Material that was removed.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1170)

removeSpring(spring) → {Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring}

Removes a Spring from the world.

Name Type Description
spring Phaser.Physics.P2.Spring

The Spring to remove from the World.


The Spring that was removed.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 955)


Called by Phaser.Physics when a State swap occurs.
Starts the begin and end Contact listeners again.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 779)


Resumes a paused P2 World.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 744)

setBounds(x, y, width, height, left, right, top, bottom, setCollisionGroup)

Sets the bounds of the Physics world to match the given world pixel dimensions.
You can optionally set which 'walls' to create: left, right, top or bottom.
If none of the walls are given it will default to use the walls settings it had previously.
I.e. if you previously told it to not have the left or right walls, and you then adjust the world size
the newly created bounds will also not have the left and right walls.
Explicitly state them in the parameters to override this.

Name Type Argument Default Description
x number

The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the bounds.

y number

The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the bounds.

width number

The width of the bounds.

height number

The height of the bounds.

left boolean <optional>

If true will create the left bounds wall.

right boolean <optional>

If true will create the right bounds wall.

top boolean <optional>

If true will create the top bounds wall.

bottom boolean <optional>

If true will create the bottom bounds wall.

setCollisionGroup boolean <optional>

If true the Bounds will be set to use its own Collision Group.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 646)


Impact event handling is disabled by default. Enable it before any impact events will be dispatched.
In a busy world hundreds of impact events can be generated every step, so only enable this if you cannot do what you need via beginContact or collision masks.

Name Type Description
state boolean

Set to true to enable impact events, or false to disable.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 393)

setMaterial(material, bodies)

Sets the given Material against all Shapes owned by all the Bodies in the given array.

Name Type Description
material Phaser.Physics.P2.Material

The Material to be applied to the given Bodies.

bodies array.<Phaser.Physics.P2.Body>

An Array of Body objects that the given Material will be set on.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1201)

setPostBroadphaseCallback(callback, context)

Sets a callback to be fired after the Broadphase has collected collision pairs in the world.
Just because a pair exists it doesn't mean they will collide, just that they potentially could do.
If your calback returns false the pair will be removed from the narrowphase. This will stop them testing for collision this step.
Returning true from the callback will ensure they are checked in the narrowphase.

Name Type Description
callback function

The callback that will receive the postBroadphase event data. It must return a boolean. Set to null to disable an existing callback.

context object

The context under which the callback will be fired.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 413)

toJSON() → {object}

Converts the current world into a JSON object.

object -

A JSON representation of the world.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 1399)


Internal P2 update loop.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 755)


By default the World will be set to collide everything with everything. The bounds of the world is a Body with 4 shapes, one for each face.
If you start to use your own collision groups then your objects will no longer collide with the bounds.
To fix this you need to adjust the bounds to use its own collision group first BEFORE changing your Sprites collision group.

Name Type Argument Default Description
setCollisionGroup boolean <optional>

If true the Bounds will be set to use its own Collision Group.

Source code: physics/p2/World.js (Line 608)