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Phaser. Canvas

new Canvas()

The Canvas class handles everything related to creating the canvas DOM tag that Phaser will use, including styles, offset and aspect ratio.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 14)

Public Methods

<static> addToDOM(canvas, parent, overflowHidden) → {HTMLCanvasElement}

Adds the given canvas element to the DOM. The canvas will be added as a child of the given parent. If no parent is given it will be added as a child of the document.body.

Name Type Argument Default Description
canvas HTMLCanvasElement

The canvas to be added to the DOM.

parent string | HTMLElement

The DOM element to add the canvas to.

overflowHidden boolean <optional>

If set to true it will add the overflow='hidden' style to the parent DOM element.

HTMLCanvasElement -

Returns the source canvas.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 116)

<static> create(parent, width, height, id, skipPool) → {HTMLCanvasElement}

Creates a canvas DOM element. The element is not automatically added to the document.

Name Type Argument Default Description
parent object

The object that will own the canvas that is created.

width number <optional>

The width of the canvas element.

height number <optional>

The height of the canvas element..

id string <optional>

If specified, and not the empty string, this will be set as the ID of the canvas element. Otherwise no ID will be set.

skipPool boolean <optional>

If true the canvas will not be placed in the CanvasPool global.

HTMLCanvasElement -

The newly created canvas element.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 16)

<static> getSmoothingEnabled(context) → {boolean}

Returns true if the given context has image smoothing enabled, otherwise returns false.

Name Type Description
context CanvasRenderingContext2D

The context to check for smoothing on.

boolean -

True if the given context has image smoothing enabled, otherwise false.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 249)

<static> getSmoothingPrefix(context) → {string | null}

Gets the Smoothing Enabled vendor prefix being used on the given context, or null if not set.

Name Type Description
context CanvasRenderingContext2D

The context to enable or disable the image smoothing on.

string | null -

Returns the smoothingEnabled vendor prefix, or null if not set on the context.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 224)

<static> removeFromDOM(canvas)

Removes the given canvas element from the DOM.

Name Type Description
canvas HTMLCanvasElement

The canvas to be removed from the DOM.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 163)

<static> setBackgroundColor(canvas, color) → {HTMLCanvasElement}

Sets the background color behind the canvas. This changes the canvas style property.

Name Type Argument Default Description
canvas HTMLCanvasElement

The canvas to set the background color on.

color string <optional>

The color to set. Can be in the format 'rgb(r,g,b)', or '#RRGGBB' or any valid CSS color.

HTMLCanvasElement -

Returns the source canvas.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 54)

<static> setImageRenderingBicubic(canvas) → {HTMLCanvasElement}

Sets the CSS image-rendering property on the given canvas to be 'bicubic' (aka 'auto'). Note that if this doesn't given the desired result then see the CanvasUtils.setSmoothingEnabled method.

Name Type Description
canvas HTMLCanvasElement

The canvas to set image-rendering bicubic on.

HTMLCanvasElement -

Returns the source canvas.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 290)

<static> setImageRenderingCrisp(canvas) → {HTMLCanvasElement}

Sets the CSS image-rendering property on the given canvas to be 'crisp' (aka 'optimize contrast' on webkit). Note that if this doesn't given the desired result then see the setSmoothingEnabled.

Name Type Description
canvas HTMLCanvasElement

The canvas to set image-rendering crisp on.

HTMLCanvasElement -

Returns the source canvas.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 267)

<static> setSmoothingEnabled(context, value) → {CanvasRenderingContext2D}

Sets the Image Smoothing property on the given context. Set to false to disable image smoothing. By default browsers have image smoothing enabled, which isn't always what you visually want, especially when using pixel art in a game. Note that this sets the property on the context itself, so that any image drawn to the context will be affected. This sets the property across all current browsers but support is patchy on earlier browsers, especially on mobile.

Name Type Description
context CanvasRenderingContext2D

The context to enable or disable the image smoothing on.

value boolean

If set to true it will enable image smoothing, false will disable it.

CanvasRenderingContext2D -

Returns the source context.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 199)

<static> setTouchAction(canvas, value) → {HTMLCanvasElement}

Sets the touch-action property on the canvas style. Can be used to disable default browser touch actions.

Name Type Argument Description
canvas HTMLCanvasElement

The canvas to set the touch action on.

value string <optional>

The touch action to set. Defaults to 'none'.

HTMLCanvasElement -

The source canvas.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 72)

<static> setTransform(context, translateX, translateY, scaleX, scaleY, skewX, skewY) → {CanvasRenderingContext2D}

Sets the transform of the given canvas to the matrix values provided.

Name Type Description
context CanvasRenderingContext2D

The context to set the transform on.

translateX number

The value to translate horizontally by.

translateY number

The value to translate vertically by.

scaleX number

The value to scale horizontally by.

scaleY number

The value to scale vertically by.

skewX number

The value to skew horizontaly by.

skewY number

The value to skew vertically by.

CanvasRenderingContext2D -

Returns the source context.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 178)

<static> setUserSelect(canvas, value) → {HTMLCanvasElement}

Sets the user-select property on the canvas style. Can be used to disable default browser selection actions.

Name Type Argument Description
canvas HTMLCanvasElement

The canvas to set the touch action on.

value string <optional>

The touch action to set. Defaults to 'none'.

HTMLCanvasElement -

The source canvas.

Source code: system/Canvas.js (Line 92)