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Phaser. Tileset

new Tileset(name, firstgid, width, height, margin, spacing, properties)

A Tile set is a combination of an image containing the tiles and collision data per tile.

Tilesets are normally created automatically when Tiled data is loaded.

Name Type Argument Default Description
name string

The name of the tileset in the map data.

firstgid integer

The first tile index this tileset contains.

width integer <optional>

Width of each tile (in pixels).

height integer <optional>

Height of each tile (in pixels).

margin integer <optional>

The margin around all tiles in the sheet (in pixels).

spacing integer <optional>

The spacing between each tile in the sheet (in pixels).

properties object <optional>

Custom Tileset properties.

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 22)

Public Properties

[readonly] columns : integer

The number of tile columns in the tileset.

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 101)

firstgid : integer

The Tiled firstgid value. This is the starting index of the first tile index this Tileset contains.

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 40)

[readonly] image : Object

The cached image that contains the individual tiles. Use setImage to set.

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 85)

name : string

The name of the Tileset.

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 33)

properties : Object

Tileset-specific properties that are typically defined in the Tiled editor.

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 77)

[readonly] rows

The number of tile rows in the the tileset.

Type Description
Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 93)

[readonly] tileHeight : integer

The height of each tile (in pixels).

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 54)

[readonly] tileMargin

The margin around the tiles in the sheet (in pixels). Use setSpacing to change.

Name Type Description
tileMarge integer
Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 63)

[readonly] tileSpacing : integer

The spacing between each tile in the sheet (in pixels). Use setSpacing to change.

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 71)

[readonly] tileWidth : integer

The width of each tile (in pixels).

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 47)

[readonly] total : integer

The total number of tiles in the tileset.

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 109)

Public Methods

containsTileIndex() → {boolean}

Returns true if and only if this tileset contains the given tile index.

boolean -

True if this tileset contains the given index.

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 155)

draw(context, x, y, index)

Draws a tile from this Tileset at the given coordinates on the context.

Name Type Description
context CanvasRenderingContext2D

The context to draw the tile onto.

x number

The x coordinate to draw to.

y number

The y coordinate to draw to.

index integer

The index of the tile within the set to draw.

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 123)


Set the image associated with this Tileset and update the tile data.

Name Type Description
image Image

The image that contains the tiles.

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 171)

setSpacing(margin, spacing)

Sets tile spacing and margins.

Name Type Argument Default Description
margin integer <optional>

The margin around the tiles in the sheet (in pixels).

spacing integer <optional>

The spacing between the tiles in the sheet (in pixels).

Source code: tilemap/Tileset.js (Line 185)