Another famous brand using Phaser for its game
Allows you to write Phaser games entirely in Ruby
By Paolo Di Stefano
Fun new game!
Beat all 100 levels!
New video series
Creating spritesheets for with TexturePacker
Starter Template for Phaser HTML Game Engine using JavaScript
Pixels for Christmas and Volkswagen Das Auto Tennis
Game Engines and Using the Intel XDK for Game Development
Working on mobile devices too
How to make a mobile virtual pet game
A session from Fronteers14
Building a polished space shooter game (part 1)
A tutorial by Invrse
Book + Code Bundle is now out!
How to create a level selection screen with locked levels and stars
With a brand new keyframe animation tool
Plus source (Spanish)
Good luck everyone!
Read all about the new features and updates
This book is out now!
Phaser and Device Orientation API
A Chinese course on learning Phaser
Rotate Space –