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Issue 4 of the Newsletter is released

11th April 2014

Read what's happening in the world of Phaser

Phaser 2.0.3 is Released

11th April 2014

With core updates across pixi.js and physics and brand new Particle Emitter features.

Phaser 2.0 Tutorial: Flappy Bird (Part 4)

9th April 2014

Timers, Group Recycling, and Death

Getting started with Phaser and WebStorm

9th April 2014

A nice guide on using WebStorm with Phaser.

Phaser 2.0 Tutorial: Flappy Bird (Part 1)

8th April 2014

A really comprehensive Getting Started guide

Yeoman Generator

7th April 2014

Generator phaser typescript

2048 in Phaser

4th April 2014

How to create a complete HTML5 “2048” game with Phaser

Automated Haxe Phaser 2 Build

2nd April 2014

Convert JSDoc documented code to Haxe externs


1st April 2014

A project toolkit for phaser.js

>A Phaser DocSet for Dash

28th March 2014

If you use Kapeli's Dash then here is a Phaser docset for you!

Phaser 2.0.2 is released

28th March 2014

With updated docs, jshinted code and physics updates and features.

Newsletter Issue 3 is out

25th March 2014

Including physics tipcs, Jiun MOBA game and more

Phaser 2.0.1 is released

24th March 2014

Mostly maintenance with a few new features

Introduction to Making HTML5 Games with Phaser

20th March 2014

A workshop at the Barcelona Future JS Conference

Phase 2.0 is released!

13th March 2014

Our biggest and fastest update ever

Build Games with JavaScript and Phaser

11th March 2014

A session at the Scotland JS Conference

CocoonJS-Ouya Gamepad Plugin

3rd March 2014

Support for Ouya gamepads in Phaser Cocoon apps

How to make a Flappy Bird

27th February 2014

Part 2: Adding animations and sound

Phaser 1.1.6 Released

24th February 2014

The last of the 1.x family

How to make a Flappy Bird

20th February 2014

Part 1: In just 65 lines of code
