Phaser v1.0.6 was released on 20th September 2013.

This release is 146 versions behind the latest release.

Phaser Launcher is our free app for creating Phaser games quickly and simply. It includes:

  • Code Editor - Use JavaScript with full code completion and Phaser function insight
  • Media Browser - Easily browse, preview, and manage your game assets
  • Project Manager - Create and organize your Phaser games all in one place
  • Game Runner - Play, debug, and hot-reload while coding
  • Tutorials - Immediate access to our latest news and tutorials
  • Phaser by Example - Comprehensive 400-page book built-in

Fire up Phaser Launcher, and you'll be coding and playing within seconds. No need to worry about configuring node, npm or web servers.


To download Phaser v1.0.6 use the links below:

Note: Phaser is a JavaScript library. It is not a program you run. It is a file you include in your JavaScript code.


View the GitHub Release Page for this version.

Browse the Phaser v1.0.6 GitHub repository as it existed on 20th September 2013. For old versions some images and links may be broken, but all the source files are available.

Create Game App

Our interactive installer app is now available. Run from the command-line, this is the easiest way to get started with Phaser and includes example games, bundlers such as Vite and support for all popular web frameworks including React, Vue and Next.js.