Published on 21st May 2021
Welcome to issue 155 of Phaser World! Email look weird? View it on the web.
I often get asked "What successful games are made in Phaser?", which is a strange question, because "success" is so subjective. But I understand the reasoning behind the enquiry. It adds validation that yes, Phaser is capable of making "big" games.
This issue our 2 featured games showcase this perfectly. The official Microsoft Mahjong game, played by literally millions world-wide, bought to the web via Phaser. And Vex 5, a continuation of the classic brutal platforming series. They're both excellent examples of what's possible if you apply yourself. Also this issue: read all about Phaser 4 development in our new Dev Log and check out the awesome tutorials, too.
Got a game or article you'd like featured? Email me or send a message on Discord.
Until the next issue, keep on coding!
Microsoft Mahjong
The official classic tile-matching game now has Daily Challenges, over 40 puzzles and gorgeous graphics and relaxing sounds.
Match the colored circles as quickly as possible in this dexterous game of speed.
Draw and Match Class
Everything you need for a Draw and Match game like Grindstone in a single class.
Matter JS Collision Tutorial
How to use Matter.js Physics for Sprite Collisions in a Phaser Game.
PGInspector Game Object Debugger
Tired of filling your code with console.log? Try out PGInspector instead to debug Phaser Game Objects.
Vex 5
Enter the complex labyrinth of deadly devices and traps in this massive hit brutal platformer!
Sushi Rush
Try your best to avoid being eaten in this super-cute race against time and chop sticks.
Basic Button with RxJS and TypeScript
Learn how to create a button in Phaser using TypeScript and the power of RxJS.
Create a native-like Game Experience Tutorial
Give your game a native-like feel without using a wrapper or building an app artifact.
TileSprites Continuous Scrolling Tutorial
A tutorial on creating a continuous side scrolling effect using Tile Sprites.
Only 380 🌟 to go!
Please help get us to 30,000 stars on GitHub
It only takes a click and we'd really appreciate it 😁
Because Phaser is an open source project, we cannot charge for it in the same way as traditional retail software. What's more, we don't ever want to. After all, it's built on, and was born from, open web standards. The core framework will always be free, even if you use it commercially. Because of this, we rely 100% on community backing to fund all development.
Your support helps secure the constant cycle of updates, fixes, new features and planning for the future. Please help support Phaser on Patreon, via PayPal or GitHub Sponsors.
💜 Thank you to the following awesome patrons who recently joined 💜
Emmes, Jeffrey Marx, Joshua McMichael, Jeff Grippe, hhhhhaaaa,, Matt Marsh, Jostein Skaar, zajako, Anthony Good, Eric Garcia, Andrew Cunningham, Harm Hoek, Sebastian, Scott, Sushovan De, Christian Tucker, Techno Ben, Joseph DiPerla, Nodepond, Chris Noel, Jaman, Hayatae, James, Oleksii, Paperbeatsscissors!,, unkn0wn, Alex Vila and Marek Jalovec.
Phaser 3 and 4 Dev Report
On May 11th I published a brand new Dev Report to the Phaser Patreon. This report focused on 3 main areas: The new Web Monetization Plugin, which we covered here last issue. The Compressed Texture feature support coming soon to Phaser 3 and, the big one, how to get started testing out Phaser 4.
Yes, you read that correctly. Development of Phaser 4 has been full-steam ahead this month, with massive strides taken to solidify the API and create a comfortable sandbox to create tests in:
This sandbox is hosted on GitHub Pages, so every time I published a new example it is available there immediately. You're very welcome to go and play with it now! Please read the full Dev Log for details on the history behind Phaser 4 and how to get started.
It's still very early days. Lots of things change and they change rapidly, but it's getting more feature complete with each new release and I'm very excited about what it can do and where it's heading. Starting with the next issue of Phaser World I will showcase particular Phaser 4 examples that I feel are worth talking about :) Until then, please read the full Dev Log, check out the sandbox and if you've time, dive on in!
Download the latest
version of Phaser
Phaser v3.54.0 "Futaro" was released on the 26th March 2021.