
Blur is another new messaging app, trying to get in on the heels of Facebook Messenger, SnapChat and their kind. They promise to offer a substantial userbase and HTML5 games can run natively within the app. To celebrate this they're running a launch game jam, with prizes and promotion on offer:

"The launch jam is a way to get your games on the platform before the official launch in April. It started on January 23rd and will end on February 26th. The BLUR app is a platform where you can play HTML5 games instantly inside the chat window while talking with your friends and compete with them.

Those tiny games can be considered demos of the full blown games hosted by you, so you can build traffic and exposure. It’s a way to promote the given entry, make the player curious and take him directly to your own page. A messaging powered up by HTML5 games and focused on promoting indie devs like you and me."

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