We learned how to use test the different features of the plugin in the previous part of this tutorial. If you missed that, please re-read it first. Now, it's time to use it in a proper Phaser 3 game. In this tutorial we're going to take a ready-made Phaser game and work through implementing the Game Web Monetization plugin into it.

3 Candies!

Before we start, you can play the 3 Candies! game that we made specially for this tutorial series. The full source code is provided and we're going to use it as an example of how to monetize a Phaser 3 game.

Download the Game Files

To get started, please download or check-out the Game Web Monetization GitHub repo. If you're familiar with using git, then you can checkout the repo via http:


Or ssh:


If you'd prefer, you can download a zip file of the whole repo

Once the files are on your computer you will find the sample game in the tutorial/examples/3Candies folder.

Drag and drop the folder into Visual Studio Code or your editor of choice so you can easily look at the source code of the various files.

Project Structure

Inside the game folder we can see an index.html file, along with src and phaser folders. Everything is already preconfigured to run, so let's dive into the src folder.

Within src/plugins you'll see a folder with the Game Web Monetization plugin inside it.

Structure folder

This game is split into 4 Phaser Scenes:

  1. Intro - The intro message and plugin check.
  2. BackgroundScene - The scrolling background behind the game.
  3. Menu - The Main Menu.
  4. MainScene - The Game itself.

Scenes folder

There is also another important file: src/global_vars.js:

Global vars

This file contains all of the variables you can easily change to modify the game itself. If you open the file into your editor you'll see a commented section where the plugin configuration is stored.

You'll also see an object called background_selected. Within this the active property is set to normal. This controls if the game is running in Web Monetized mode, or not and is used by the Menu and BackgroundScene to display different game backgrounds.

You can edit it from normal to premium to see the difference when you play the game, without having to have monetization active. But please make sure you set it back to normal before carrying on with this tutorial.

Normal selected

Adding Monetized Benefits

We're going to add the following benefits to the player if they Web Monetize our game:

  • A "Thank You!" intro message.
  • The option to change the background for a more colorful one.
  • They'll gain 1 extra life during play.

Run the game by opening the index.html with your web server of choice. As before, we'll use the VS Code Live Server extension for this. Open the browser and you should see that the game has started:

First start game

We've added an intro screen to our game. This is because it can take a few seconds for the Web Monetization API to negotiate, which is plenty of time to show them a short message about the benefits of it.

Importing the Plugin

The time has come to put the plugin in our game.

Edit the global_vars.js file and import the plugin at the top of the file and then create an instance of the plugin:

import { GameWebMonetization } from "./plugins/GameWebMonetization/GameWebMonetization.js";

// Monetization config
export const gamewebmonetization = new GameWebMonetization({
    paymentPointer: '$ilp.uphold.com/zdXzL8aWJ4ii'

Remember to add the above code directly under the CandyGrid import statement.

The code you added should look like this:

Config payment pointer and plugin

The plugin has been imported and created, with our Payment Pointer set. Now we need to start the plugin in the scenes/Intro.js file.

Edit Intro.js and import the plugin instance, so we can use it:

import { gamewebmonetization } from "../global_vars.js";

As you learned in the previous tutorial, the plugin needs its start method called before it'll do anything. We will do this in the Scene init method.

Add the following line of code to the start of init:


So it looks like this:

    init ()

        this.cameras.main.fadeIn(1000, 0, 0, 0);

        this.changingScene = true;

With the import and the start() call your code should now look like this:

Start Monetization

Restart the game in the browser and if you have the Coil extension working you'll see the game is monetized:

Monetized via the Coil extension

Adding the Player Benefits

Starting monetization is all good and well, but now we really ought to start giving some benefits to the players that are supporting us. First, let's show a "Thank You" message to them.

In the assets folder you'll see two PNGs: intro.png and introthanks.png:

Intro image Intro image

We will edit the code to display the correct one, based on the status of the API.

Back inside the Intro.js file, scroll down to inside the create method where the intro image is added:

const intro = this.add.image(x, 240, 'intro');

We're going to use the plugins START event to change this texture. We have already loaded all the images required, so all we need is an event listener and to act on it accordingly:

const intro = this.add.image(x, 240, 'intro');

// Plugin here
gamewebmonetization.on("start", () => {

Let's go back to our game and see what happens:

Change intro thanks

When the event fires, the intro texture is changed to the "Thank You!" version. Now let's give them a choice of backgrounds.

Changing to the Premium Background

When you go to the Main Menu in the game you'll see two buttons at the bottom. These allow the player to toggle between the Standard and Premium backgrounds. Only if they are Web Monetized can they pick the Premium background. If they aren't, we'll show them an alert message instead.

You may remember from Part 3 of the tutorial that the plugin offers a boolean property called isMonetized. We can read this to know if we should enable both buttons for the player, or not.

As with the other Scenes, we need to import the plugin and we're also going to import the background_selected object. This will store our choice of background from the buttons:

import { background_selected, gamewebmonetization } from "../global_vars.js";

We can now read the isMonetized boolean and will give the Premium Background button a slight alpha if they are not monetized. Add the following after the line premiumBackgroundButton.setInteractive({ useHandCursor: true });:

if (!gamewebmonetization.isMonetized)

The final change to make is to fill-in the Premium Button POINTER_DOWN handler. Currently it looks like this:

premiumBackgroundButton.on('pointerdown', (pointer, x, y, event) => {




When they click all it does currently is play a sound effect. We're going to check the monetization state and either update the button, or show an alert. Change the above code to the following:

premiumBackgroundButton.on('pointerdown', (pointer, x, y, event) => {


    if (gamewebmonetization.isMonetized)
        this.isPremium = true;

        alert('You need the plugin!');



Now if you play the game again, you will see that you have the option to change the background by clicking the two buttons:

Change background gif

Extra Life

Our final player benefit is to give them an extra life.

Open the scenes/MainScene.js file in your editor. In the create method you will see the following code:

// Lifes
this.lifes = new Lifes(this, this.isMonetized);

You can see that when the Lifes Game Object is created, it accepts the isMonetized boolean as a parameter. Instead of passing this value, you could pass true or false instead to test this out for yourself.

Go to the init method and change this line:

this.isMonetized = false;

To this:

this.isMonetized = gamewebmonetization.isMonetized;

With this change in, the Main Game will now detect if the API is monetized or not:

Extra life is monetized

If you start the game you'll see that now you have 3 lives and one of them is gold. This is the bonus life we gave to the player:

Extra life gif

As you have seen there are many possibilities when it comes to using the Game Web Monetization plugin. We've just touched upon a few ideas here, but it really is endless how you wish to reward them. Perhaps you may even consider displaying how much money they have sent to you in the actual game, or the larger the amount, the more benefits they get? It's truly up to you.