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Phaser. TilemapParser

new TilemapParser()

Phaser.TilemapParser parses data objects from Phaser.Loader that need more preparation before they can be inserted into a Tilemap.

Source code: tilemap/TilemapParser.js (Line 13)

Public Properties


A tiled flag that resides within the 30 bit of the object gid and indicates whether the tiled/object is flipped diagonally.

Source code: tilemap/TilemapParser.js (Line 53)


A tiled flag that resides within the 32 bit of the object gid and indicates whether the tiled/object is flipped horizontally.

Source code: tilemap/TilemapParser.js (Line 35)


A tiled flag that resides within the 31 bit of the object gid and indicates whether the tiled/object is flipped vertically.

Source code: tilemap/TilemapParser.js (Line 44)

[static] INSERT_NULL : boolean

When scanning the Tiled map data the TilemapParser can either insert a null value (true) or a Phaser.Tile instance with an index of -1 (false, the default). Depending on your game type depends how this should be configured. If you've a large sparsely populated map and the tile data doesn't need to change then setting this value to true will help with memory consumption. However if your map is small, or you need to update the tiles (perhaps the map dynamically changes during the game) then leave the default value set.

Source code: tilemap/TilemapParser.js (Line 26)

Public Methods

<static> getEmptyData() → {object}

Returns an empty map data object.

object -

Generated map data.

Source code: tilemap/TilemapParser.js (Line 162)

<static> parse(game, key, tileWidth, tileHeight, width, height) → {object}

Parse tilemap data from the cache and creates a Tilemap object.

Name Type Argument Default Description
game Phaser.Game

Game reference to the currently running game.

key string

The key of the tilemap in the Cache.

tileWidth number <optional>

The pixel width of a single map tile. If using CSV data you must specify this. Not required if using Tiled map data.

tileHeight number <optional>

The pixel height of a single map tile. If using CSV data you must specify this. Not required if using Tiled map data.

width number <optional>

The width of the map in tiles. If this map is created from Tiled or CSV data you don't need to specify this.

height number <optional>

The height of the map in tiles. If this map is created from Tiled or CSV data you don't need to specify this.

object -

The parsed map object.

Source code: tilemap/TilemapParser.js (Line 55)

<static> parseCSV(key, data, tileWidth, tileHeight) → {object}

Parses a CSV file into valid map data.

Name Type Argument Default Description
key string

The name you want to give the map data.

data string

The CSV file data.

tileWidth number <optional>

The pixel width of a single map tile. If using CSV data you must specify this. Not required if using Tiled map data.

tileHeight number <optional>

The pixel height of a single map tile. If using CSV data you must specify this. Not required if using Tiled map data.

object -

Generated map data.

Source code: tilemap/TilemapParser.js (Line 104)

<static> parseJSON(json) → {object}

Parses a Tiled JSON file into valid map data.

Name Type Description
json object

The JSON map data.

object -

Generated and parsed map data.

Source code: tilemap/TilemapParser.js (Line 224)