
Setup your Project

When you first come to the editor page, you will be greeted with a brief tour of the interface.

Scenes & Elements will show on the left side panel and will be an exact copy of your PhotoShop, Figma or GIMP file. You can make updates to these later if you’d like by reimporting your source file. You can make edits to the groups and elements on the right side panel or ctrl / Command + click to edit multiple elements at the same time.

Timelines can be created by toggling the bottom left most arrow. Timelines will let you create an infinite amount of tweens / animations, image sequences, play music and SFX, trigger a scene transition, or launch URLs.

Quest Walkthrough

Code Editor can also be toggled to view and create game logic. More about this in the next part.

Settings Panel let you change the project height, add sound effects and music into an audio sprite for fast loading, download or re-import source files and code, and finally add Google Analytics easily to your project.