
Part 1 - Create Account

In this tutorial you'll learn how to embed the GameAnalytics service directly into your Phaser games.

Want to see everything that happens in your Phaser game?

Now you can with GameAnalytics. It's a pretty nifty platform that helps you understand player behavior so you can improve engagement, reduce churn and increase monetization.

With their JavaScript SDK you can integrate real-time analytics into your Phaser project. The following guide will outline how to setup GameAnalytics for Phaser in five steps (using the JavaScript SDK), so you can begin understanding what makes your players tick.

1. Create a free GameAnalytics account

To get started, sign up for a free GameAnalytics account and add your first game. When you’ve created your game, you’ll find the integration keys in the settings menu (the gear icon), under “Game information.” You’ll need to copy your Game Key and Secret Key for the following steps.
