
This is a comprehensive new Starter Project from rroylance:


  • Phaser-CE 2.7.3 (npm module, no having to download the library separately...)
  • TypeScript + TSLint
  • 3 States (Boot, Preloader, Title) showing transition between states and where some things should be done and how a TypeScript state looks
  • Google Web Font loader
  • Webpack
  • Separate Development and Distribution builds
  • Live server (builds and reloads the browser on changes)
  • No hassle asset management requiring no code, on your part, to load and parse assets
    • Assets are required and hashed via webpack, you can now guarantee that when you push an update, everyone will get the new files and not cached ones
    • Assets class created automatically allowing you to access all the assets and their frames and sprites (in the case of Atlases and Audiosprites) in a compiler validating way!
  • Setting up the game size and scaling through a script that does it all for you
    • Automatic template background
    • Sets up the size the game so that it is scaled only when absolutely necessary
    • Refer to src/utils/utils.ts for an explanation on the background_template and the sizing/scaling style

With more features on the way!

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