
Blake Hester posted a fascinating article on Kill Screen, about the game Simplify This Horse, the latest Phaser game by oOku:

"Simplify This Horse is, on the surface, a simple browser game made as a promotional tool to hype up the Swiss band Extrafish’s upcoming album, Simplify This Fish. That is, until its layers are pulled back, and what’s exposed is a game that’s obtuse, weird, and fascinating.


"Extrafish is a balkan-dada-dub band, a genre you’d be forgiven for never having heard of—the band made it up. Mixing traditional balkan music with dadaistic lyrics, and dub parts, the band sounds all over the place, but in the best way possible."

"Songs are often hard to follow, they change radically, and they’re sonically confusing. But they’re also catchy, smart, and unique. All themes developer Odan has captured visually in Simplify This Horse."

Read the full article