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Phaser. Path

new Path(game, type, loops)

A Phaser.Path contains all the functions need to create and manipulate a single Path object.
A Path is a list of PathPoint objects connected by Hermite curves.

Name Type Argument Default Description
game Phaser.Game

A reference to the Phaser.Game instance.

type number <optional>

The coordinate system used by the Path.

loops boolean <optional>

Should this Path loop or not when a PathFollower reaches the end of it?

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 18)

Public Properties

cacheKey : string

The key of the JSON file in the cache used to define this path.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 41)

coordinateSystem : number

The coordinate system used by the Path.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 31)

game : Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running game.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 26)

key : string

The key of the object within the JSON data. Used if there are multiple paths per JSON file.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 46)

loops : boolean

Should this Path loop or not when a PathFollower reaches the end of it?

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 36)

Public Methods

addPathPoint(x, y, vx, vy, speed, data, index) → {Phaser.PathPoint}

Creates a new PathPoint object, relative to the path origin, and adds it to this path.

Name Type Argument Default Description
x number <optional>

The x position of the PathPoint.

y number <optional>

The y position of the PathPoint.

vx number <optional>

The vx tangent vector value of the PathPoint.

vy number <optional>

The vy tangent vector value of the PathPoint.

speed number <optional>

The speed value of the PathPoint.

data number <optional>

The data object

index number <optional>

The index of the new path point. If not given, will add point to end of point list.


The PathPoint object that was created.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 205)

atEnd(index) → {boolean}

Is the given PathPoint index the end of this path?

Name Type Description
index number

The index of the PathPoint to test.

boolean -

true if index is the last point in this path.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 516)

clone() → {Phaser.Path}

Clone this Path object. It clones the origin and points data.


The cloned Path.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 185)

create(coordinateSystem, loops) → {Phaser.Path}

Initialize a Path based on the given coordinate system.

Name Type Argument Default Description
coordinateSystem number | string

The Phaser.Path.CoordinateSystems type to use.

loops boolean <optional>

Should this Path loop or not when a PathFollower reaches the end of it?


This Path object.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 148)

debug(ctx, active) → {Phaser.Path}

Draw the path on given canvas context. Used for debugging.

Name Type Argument Default Description
ctx CanvasContext2D

The canvas context to draw the path on.

active boolean <optional>

Whether or not to highlight the active segments of this Path or not.


This Path object.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 693)

getControlPointsOnThisCurve(curve) → {array}

Gets the points on the curve representing the end points of the line segments that make up the curve.

Name Type Description
curve Phaser.Hermite

A Phaser.Hermite curve.

array -

An array of points representing the end points of 10 line segments that make up the curve.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 343)

getCurve(index) → {Phaser.Hermite}

Get the curve from the given point index to the next.

If the curve has been created previously, use that definition again, otherwise calculate it now.

Name Type Argument Default Description
index number <optional>

The index of the point in this path to get the curve from.


A new Hermite object representing the curve starting at the 'index' path point.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 429)

getPathPoint(index, point) → {boolean}

Get a PathPoint from this path. Automatically handles path looping.

The values from the PathPoint are copied into the given PathPoint object, which must
be a reference to a pre-existing PathPoint, as it's not returned by this method.

Name Type Description
index number

The index of the point in this path to get.

point Phaser.PathPoint

A PathPoint object into which the found point object is cloned.

boolean -

false if the index is past the end of the path and it doesn't loop, otherwise true.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 360)

getPathPointReference(index) → {Phaser.PathPoint}

Get a reference to a PathPoint from this Path, handle path looping.

NOTE: because this is a PathPoint reference, it does not take into account the coordinateSystem selected, it will be WORLD, or OFFSET unmodified

Name Type Description
index number

The index of the point in this path to get.


A reference to the PathPoint object in this Path, or null if index is out of range.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 405)

getPointOnThisCurve(curve, t) → {Phaser.Point}

Get a point on the the current Path curve.

Name Type Argument Default Description
curve Phaser.Hermite

A Phaser.Hermite curve object.

t number <optional>
0 .. 1.0

The distance on the curve to get the point from. Where 0 is the start of the curve, and 1 is the end.


A point containing the x and y values at the specified distance (t) value in the curve.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 319)

pointIndex(pathPoint) → {number}

Find the first matching PathPoint in this path.
It works by taking the given PathPoint object, and then iterating through all points
in this Path until it finds one with the same values, then returns the index to it.

Name Type Description
pathPoint Phaser.PathPoint

The PathPoint object that will have its values compared to all the points in this Path.

number -

The index of the PathPoint in this Path if an equal match is found, or -1 if no match is found.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 481)

processData(follower, pathPointIndex, reversing) → {Phaser.PathPoint}

Process the data associated with a point on this Path.
Used by Phaser.PathFollower objects as they pass each control point.

Name Type Description
follower Phaser.PathFollower

The PathFollower that is processing the data.

pathPointIndex number

The index of the path point to process.

reversing boolean

Whether or not the follower is traversing the path in reverse.


The PathPoint that has been processed.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 552)

removePathPoint(index) → {Phaser.PathPoint}

Remove a PathPoint from this paths point list.

Name Type Argument Description
index number <optional>

The index of the PathPoint to remove.


The removed PathPoint object.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 240)

setOffset(x, y) → {Phaser.Path}

Set the Path level offset which will affect all of this paths PathFollowers.

Name Type Description
x number

The x offset.

y number

The y offset.


This Path object.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 302)

setPathPoint(index, x, y, vx, vy) → {Phaser.PathPoint}

Set a PathPoint objects position and tangent vector.

Name Type Argument Description
index number

The index of the PathPoint in this paths point list.

x number

The x coordinate of the PathPoint.

y number

The y coordinate of the PathPoint.

vx number <optional>

The x coordinate of the tangent vector to create the curve from.

vy number <optional>

The y coordinate of the tangent vector to create the curve from.


A reference to the PathPoint object that was updated.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 260)

smooth() → {Phaser.Path}

If your Path has 3 points or more, this will walk through it and auto-smooth them out.
Note: It ignores branches.


This Path object.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 628)

toJSON() → {Object}

Serializes this Path into a JSON object and returns it.

Object -

A JSON object representing this Path.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 799)

translatePoints(point) → {Phaser.Path}

Translate all points in a path by the given point.

Name Type Description
point Phaser.Point | object

A Phaser.Point, or a Point-like Object with public x and y properties, that will be used to modify all points in this paths point list.


This Path object.

Source code: plugins/path/Path.js (Line 284)