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PIXI. SpineTextureLoader

new SpineTextureLoader(basePath, crossorigin)

Supporting class to load images from spine atlases as per spine spec.

Name Type Description
basePath String

Tha base path where to look for the images to be loaded

crossorigin Boolean

Whether requests should be treated as crossorigin

Source code: pixi/extras/PIXISpine.js, line 6

Public Methods

load(page, file)

Starts loading a base texture as per spine specification

Name Type Description
page spineAtlasPage

Atlas page to which texture belongs

file String

The file to load, this is just the file path relative to the base path configured in the constructor

Source code: pixi/extras/PIXISpine.js, line 27


Unloads a previously loaded texture as per spine specification

Name Type Description
texture PIXI.BaseTexture

Texture object to destroy

Source code: pixi/extras/PIXISpine.js, line 51