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PIXI. BitmapFontLoader

new BitmapFontLoader(url, crossorigin)

The xml loader is used to load in XML bitmap font data ('xml' or 'fnt') To generate the data you can use This loader will also load the image file as the data. When loaded this class will dispatch a 'loaded' event

Name Type Description
url String

The url of the sprite sheet JSON file

crossorigin Boolean

Whether requests should be treated as crossorigin

Source code: pixi/loaders/BitmapFontLoader.js, line 5

Public Properties

[readonly] baseUrl : string

[read-only] The base url of the bitmap font data

Source code: pixi/loaders/BitmapFontLoader.js, line 35

crossorigin : boolean

Whether the requests should be treated as cross origin

Source code: pixi/loaders/BitmapFontLoader.js, line 27

texture : PIXI.Texture

[read-only] The texture of the bitmap font

Source code: pixi/loaders/BitmapFontLoader.js, line 44

url : string

The url of the bitmap font data

Source code: pixi/loaders/BitmapFontLoader.js, line 19

Public Methods


Loads the XML font data

Source code: pixi/loaders/BitmapFontLoader.js, line 57