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Phaser. AudioSprite

new AudioSprite(game, key)

Audio Sprites are a combination of audio files and a JSON configuration. The JSON follows the format of that created by

Name Type Description
game Phaser.Game

Reference to the current game instance.

key string

Asset key for the sound.

Source code: sound/AudioSprite.js, line 17

Public Properties

autoplay : boolean

Is a sound set to autoplay or not?

Default Value
  • false
Source code: sound/AudioSprite.js, line 48

autoplayKey : string

If a sound is set to auto play, this holds the marker key of it.

Source code: sound/AudioSprite.js, line 41

config : Object

JSON audio atlas object.

Source code: sound/AudioSprite.js, line 35

game : Phaser.Game

A reference to the currently running Game.

Source code: sound/AudioSprite.js, line 23

key : string

Asset key for the Audio Sprite.

Source code: sound/AudioSprite.js, line 29

sounds : Object

An object containing the Phaser.Sound objects for the Audio Sprite.

Source code: sound/AudioSprite.js, line 54

Public Methods

get(marker) → {Phaser.Sound}

Get a sound with the given name.

Name Type Description
marker string

The name of sound to get.


The sound instance.

Source code: sound/AudioSprite.js, line 115

play(marker, volume) → {Phaser.Sound}

Play a sound with the given name.

Name Type Argument Default Description
marker string <optional>

The name of sound to play

volume number <optional>

Volume of the sound you want to play. If none is given it will use the volume given to the Sound when it was created (which defaults to 1 if none was specified).


This sound instance.

Source code: sound/AudioSprite.js, line 77


Stop a sound with the given name.

Name Type Argument Default Description
marker string <optional>

The name of sound to stop. If none is given it will stop all sounds in the audio sprite.

Source code: sound/AudioSprite.js, line 93